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Hello, I'm trying to build the latest version using delphi 7 crossKylix and get some errors:
The first error is intoduced on the 14th of august concerning: ConsoleReadBody
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommons.pas(23376)
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommonsC:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommons.pas(56169) Hint: Variable 'c' is declared but never used in 'ConsoleWaitForEnterKey'
[Hint] SynCommons.pas(56169): Variable 'c' is declared but never used in 'ConsoleWaitForEnterKey'
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommons.pas(56204) Error: Undeclared identifier: 'fpioctl'
[Error] SynCommons.pas(56204): Undeclared identifier: 'fpioctl'
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommons.pas(56204) Error: Undeclared identifier: 'FIONREAD'
[Error] SynCommons.pas(56204): Undeclared identifier: 'FIONREAD'
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCommons.pas(56204) Warning: Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Warning] SynCommons.pas(56204): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: /C/Dev/Automation/WecapServerDelphi/WecapServer.dpr(10) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'SynCommons.pas'
[Fatal] WecapServer.dpr(10): Could not compile used unit 'SynCommons.pas'
This error is introduced on september the fourth concerning: SynCurl
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynBidirSock.pas(87)
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORC:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCurl.pas(558) Error: Incompatible types: 'TFileName' and 'PChar'
[Error] SynCurl.pas(558): Incompatible types: 'TFileName' and 'PChar'
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynCrtSock.pas(244) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'SynCurl.pas'
[Fatal] SynCrtSock.pas(244): Could not compile used unit 'SynCurl.pas'
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: Mot/SynBidirSock.pas(88)
[CrossKylix] DEBUG: C:/Dev/AUTOMA~1/mORMot/SynBidirSock.pas(89)
Could you please help me?
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