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Just Asigned a TJWTHS256 instance to the RestServer.JWTForUnauthenticatedRequest property,
then set the client SessionHttpHeader :Authorization: Bearer <Token>
then call any method or interface based service that need auth ,you will fail.
problem is that :
JWTForUnauthenticatedRequest not working since procedure TSQLRestServer.URI security handling logic bug:
in mOMRot.pas:
// 2. handle security
if (rsoSecureConnectionRequired in fOptions) and
(Ctxt.MethodIndex<>fPublishedMethodTimestampIndex) and
not (llfSecured in Call.LowLevelFlags) then
Ctxt.AuthenticationFailed(afSecureConnectionRequired) else
if not Ctxt.Authenticate then
Ctxt.AuthenticationFailed(afInvalidSignature) else
if (Ctxt.Service<>nil) and
not (reService in Call.RestAccessRights^.AllowRemoteExecute) then
if (rsoRedirectForbiddenToAuth in Options) and (Ctxt.ClientKind=ckAjax) then
Ctxt.Redirect(Model.Root+'/auth') else
Ctxt.AuthenticationFailed(afRemoteServiceExecutionNotAllowed) else
(fJWTForUnauthenticatedRequest=nil) or
(Ctxt.MethodIndex=fPublishedMethodTimestampIndex) or
((llfSecured in Call.LowLevelFlags) and
not (llfHttps in Call.LowLevelFlags)) or // HTTPS does not authenticate
Ctxt.AuthenticationCheck(fJWTForUnauthenticatedRequest) then
line 42740 42741 always get executed if not authed
if not Ctxt.Authenticate then
so fJWTForUnauthenticatedRequest never get a chance .
or i am doing it wrong?
Well, got it now, we should disable the Authentication on RestServer Creation first..