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From mORMot documentation:
With _Json() or _JsonFmt(), either a document or array variant instance will be initialized with data supplied as JSON.
The supplied JSON can be either in strict JSON syntax.
Right now mORMot partially support JSON from the obsolete RFC 4627 (created 13 years ago):
JSON-text = object / array
Is it any plans to support the actual RFC 8259 (created 2 years ago) or RFC 7159 (created 6 years ago):
JSON-text = ws value ws
value = false / null / true / object / array / number / string
false = %x66.61.6c.73.65 ; false
null = %x6e.75.6c.6c ; null
true = %x74.72.75.65 ; true
The changes are not radical and extends the current implementation with full backward compatibility (may be with except for 'null', which is parsed as '{}').
What is needed is to make the next JSON checks to be true:
TVarData(_Json('null')).VType = varNull
TVarData(_Json('false')).VType = varBoolean
TVarData(_Json('true')).VType = varBoolean
VarIsStr(_Json('"text"')) = True
VarIsFloat(_Json('0.5')) = True // Currency by default (why not to make all floats to be Double?)
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1E-10')) = True // Single precision
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1e-300')) = True // Double precision
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1E-010')) = True // Single with exponent started from 0
VarIsFloat(_Json('-1e-0300')) = True // Double with exponent started from 0
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('0')) = True // Integer
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('5000000000')) = True // Int64
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('-0')) = True // Integer
VarIsOrdinal(_Json('-5000000000')) = True // Int64
Browsers have no issues with:
console.log(JSON.parse('null'), JSON.parse('false'), JSON.parse('"text"'), JSON.parse('-1E-300'));
Btw, _Json('{"n": 1E3}') or _Json('{"n": -1e-0300}') is a correct RFC 4627 strict JSON, but mORMot parse such correct numbers as string:
number = [ minus ] int [ frac ] [ exp ]
decimal-point = %x2E ; .
digit1-9 = %x31-39 ; 1-9
e = %x65 / %x45 ; e E
exp = e [ minus / plus ] 1*DIGIT
frac = decimal-point 1*DIGIT
int = zero / ( digit1-9 *DIGIT )
minus = %x2D ; -
plus = %x2B ; +
zero = %x30 ; 0
Last edited by Eugene Ilyin (2020-02-26 16:19:52)
Btw, from
ws value ws
And they also support standart exponent notation for numbers, which I am getting frequently from different 3rd party APIs:
Last edited by Eugene Ilyin (2020-02-25 17:29:17)
1. You are making a small confusion about which function to use.
The _Json() function is not for parsing any JSON item. It is to create a TDocVariant document, i.e. by definition it accepts only a JSON object or array as input.
See … html#_JSON
To parse any JSON item, use GetVariantFromJSON/GetVariantFromNotStringJSON/GetNumericVariantFromJSON
2. By default, we even don't accept "double" values, since they are likely to loose precision, so we prefer "currency" if possible.
There is a flag in various functions to accept the "double" values.
See for instance … l#TITL_194
If you want to keep the exact precision of JSON numbers, we offer TDecimal128 values - BTW we are the only one Delphi/FPC JSON library handling this kind of precision-aware floats.
Ensure you read … l#TITL_123
ab, thanks for the hints!
After sources analysis of provided functions, I think I found how to handle RFC 8259 JSONs received from the 3rd party vendors API with mORMot (with respect to all peculiarities related to Double values).
Please find the code in the next topic reply.
Here are the results of _JsonStrict, _JsonStrictFast, _JsonStrictInPlace:
V: Variant;
V := _JsonStrict('null'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
V := _JsonStrict('false'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varBoolean
V := _JsonStrict('true'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varBoolean
V := _JsonStrict('-0'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varInteger
V := _JsonStrict('"t1 \r\n t2"'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varString
V := _JsonStrict('-1E-300'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varDouble
V := _JsonStrict('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvObject
V := _JsonStrict('[]'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvArray
V := _JsonStrict(''); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varEmpty
V := _JsonStrict('$%#@'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
V := _JsonStrict('{"n": -1E-300}'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble
V := _JsonStrict('9223372036854775807'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varInt64
V := _JsonStrict('9223372036854775808'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varDouble
Maybe you can add this or similar functions to the Framework?
Last edited by Eugene Ilyin (2020-02-25 17:28:16)
Tried to make it more mORMot`ish and remove all intermediate procs (now this code contains the fastest available calls). Please confirm.
/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
// - warning: the JSON buffer will be modified in-place during process - use
// a temporary copy or the overloaded functions with RawUTF8 parameter
// if you need to access it later
function _JsonStrictInPlace(const JSON: PUTF8Char;
Options: TDocVariantOptions = [dvoReturnNullForUnknownProperty];
const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
{$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}
/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - this overloaded procedure will make a temporary copy before JSON parsing
// and return the variant as result
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
function _JsonStrict(const JSON: RawUTF8;
Options: TDocVariantOptions = [dvoReturnNullForUnknownProperty];
const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
{$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}
/// retrieve a variant value from a JSON as per RFC 8259, RFC 7159, RFC 7158
// - this global function is an handy alias to:
// ! _JsonStrict(JSON,JSON_OPTIONS_FAST,AllowDouble);
// - follows TTextWriter.AddVariant() format (calls GetVariantFromJSON)
// - will instantiate either an Integer, Int64, currency, double or string value
// (as RawUTF8), guessing the best numeric type according to the textual content,
// and string in all other cases, except TryCustomVariants points to some options
// (e.g. @JSON_OPTIONS[true] for fast instance) and input is a known object or
// array, either encoded as strict-JSON (i.e. {..} or [..]), or with some
// extended (e.g. BSON) syntax
// - this overloaded procedure will make a temporary copy before JSON parsing
// and return the variant as result
// - warning: by default dvoAllowDoubleValue is set and 32-bit floating-point
// conversion is tried, with potential loss of precision during the conversion
function _JsonStrictFast(JSON: RawUTF8;
const AllowDouble: Boolean = True): Variant;
{$ifdef HASINLINE}inline;{$endif}
function _JsonStrictInPlace(const JSON: PUTF8Char; Options: TDocVariantOptions;
const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
var wasString: boolean;
Val, Dest: PUTF8Char;
if JSON = nil then
ZeroFill(@result) // varEmpty
else if IdemPChar(JSON, 'NULL') then
TVarData(result).VType := varNull
else begin
Dest := JSON;
if AllowDouble then
Dest := TDocVariantData(result).InitJSONInPlace(
Dest, Options + [dvoAllowDoubleValue])
Dest := TDocVariantData(result).InitJSONInPlace(Dest, Options);
if Dest = nil then begin
Dest := JSON;
Val := GetJSONField(Dest,Dest,@wasString);
function _JsonStrict(const JSON: RawUTF8; Options: TDocVariantOptions;
const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
var tmp: TSynTempBuffer;
tmp.Init(JSON); // temp copy before in-place decoding
Result := _JsonStrictInPlace(tmp.buf, Options, AllowDouble);
function _JsonStrictFast(JSON: RawUTF8; const AllowDouble: Boolean): Variant;
Result := _JsonStrict(JSON, JSON_OPTIONS_FAST, AllowDouble);
Last edited by Eugene Ilyin (2020-02-25 17:24:00)
Please follow the forum rules.
Don't post such huge pieces of code in the forum.
Sorry the code is small, just add procs annotations to save your time if you plan to add it
The primary difference from VariantLoadJSON() is that it handles all RFC 8259 types in the same manner, including parsing of objects and arrays, like '{}' and '[]', '[1e300]', or '{"n": -1e-300}':
V := _JSONStrict('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvObject
V := VariantLoadJSON('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
V := _JSONStrict('[]'); // TDocVariantData(V).Kind = dvArray
V := VariantLoadJSON('[]'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
V := _JSONStrict('[1e300]'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble;
V := VariantLoadJSON('{}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
V := _JSONStrict('{"n": -1e-300}'); // TVarData(V._(0)).VType = varDouble;
V := VariantLoadJSON('{"n": -1e-300}'); // TDocVariantData(V).VarType = varNull
Anyway, if you don't see the reasons to add unified parser for all RFC 8259 types, it's ok, will use it internally.
I guess that _JsonStrict/_JsonStrictFast naming is very confusing.
All _* functions are explicitly document-oriented, i.e. generates TDocVariant array/object document.
Perhaps JsonToVariant()/JsonToVariantInPlace() would make more sense as names.
Just as a wrapper to VariantLoadJSON() with the proper default parameters which will parse what you expect.
You can make a pull request with those functions, if you wish.
Please check #274 with JSONToVariant added.
Thanks, works as planned.