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I'm trying to store some custom data for logged user, which will persist as long as session is valid (method-based server).
I've tried to inherit TSQLAuthUser:
TMySQLAuthUser = class (TSQLAuthUser)
fMyPropert: RawUTF8;
property MyPropert: RawUTF8 read fMyPropert write fMyPropert;
but it appeared, that retrieving user with SessionGetUser returns a copy of user, so setting any property won't persist.
I've tried to retrieve user directly from Sessions.User and it actually work, but I'm afraid it is not safe way.
Is there any other reliable way to store some custom data related to logged user/session?
BTW I've tried to store it in TSQLAuthUser.Data, but it doesn't work at all - data set in Data at TMyAuth.GetUser are lost. Is it expected behaviour?
Regards, Tomek
How did you define your model?
Data property is set in TAuthSession.Create unless rsoGetUserRetrieveNoBlobData option is set (not by default).
So if you put some custom Data in your GetUser() method it will be overriden then retrieved again later.
Model is empty: TSQLModel.Create([]);
Setting Data property or custom property in GetUser() method was for test purposes. The goal is to set some custom data after successful login in a published server method, and then access this data in other server published methods.
As I wrote at original message it's actually working (with empty model):
TMyMethodsServer= class(TSQLRestServerFullMemory)
procedure SetCustomProp(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);
procedure TMyMethodsServer.SetCustomProp(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to fSessions.Count-1 do
with TAuthSession(fSessions.List[i]) do
if IDCardinal = Ctxt.Session then begin
(User as TMySQLAuthUser).MyPropert:= 'test';
The question is: Is this the right way to set this custom property or there is better (safe) way to do this?
Your code is not thread-safe.
If a session is created or deleted in another thread, from another client connection, then you could have an access violation.
What do you want to store in this TSQLAuthUser property?
If it is application-specific data, don't mess with the session, but use a dedicated ORM class with your own custom properties (like TSQLUserPreferences), and use Ctxt.SessionUser as ID.
That is, TSQLUserPreferences.ID matches TSQLAuthUser.ID.
If you really want ot use TSQLMyAuthUser custom properties, then use the ORM methods to update its values. But they won't be modified in the current session User instance.
If you really want ot use TSQLMyAuthUser custom properties, then use the ORM methods to update its values. But they won't be modified in the current session User instance.
Custom data for the user are supposed to be valid for current session only, won't be stored in db and may differ in next session. That's why TSQLAuthUser.Data seemed to be perfect for this purpose. Can you give an example of using TSQLAuthUser.Data?
Yes, it can be either in User or Session (as stated in post title ), TSQLAuthUser.Data was the first choice.
Own session class did the job, thx.
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