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I would like to make some suggestions on how to improve SQLite3 support.
I would like to see those definitions added:
TSQLite3TraceCallback = procedure(TraceArg: Pointer; Trace: PUTF8Char);
function sqlite3_trace(aDb: TSQLite3Db; aCallback: TSQLite3TraceCallback;
aUserData: Pointer): Pointer; {$ifndef USEFASTCALL}cdecl;{$endif} external;
function sqlite3_changes(aDb: TSQLite3Db): Integer;
{$ifndef USEFASTCALL}cdecl;{$endif} external;
I use SQLite3.obj compiled with trace switched on and I miss the sqlite3_trace being declared.
I also miss the sqlite3_changes function.
Can you include those in the next release?
I am also interested on how I can contribute by commiting those changes myself? I am quite new to Open Source and do not know where to commit to - a branch, the trunk, send you a patch file over email?
I've committed the corresponding enhancements:
• added sqlite3_changes() and sqlite3_total_changes() function prototypes
• added an optional behavior parameter to TSQLDataBase.TransactionBegin method
• engine is now compiled including tracing within the FTS3 extension - added sqlite3_trace() function prototype to register your own tracing callback
This forum is the right place for proposing such features.
For further participation, see "2. For developers" paragraph at
Thanks for your interest!