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function _ObjFast(const NameValuePairs: array of const): variant; overload;
same code works fine in momrot 1.18
env: delphi rad 10.4.2
Last edited by keinn (2021-05-16 02:35:54)
I doubt it works with mORMot 1.18 since VarRecToVariant() does not support records because the Delphi/FPC do not suport records for "array of const" / TVarRec parameters at compiler level.
sorry about my expression , the "record" i mean a orm record object instance .
so the problem is _ObjFast with array of const params(with object ), the same code works whit 1.18 but not mormot2.
answer excepted , the problem js my orm record contain a nested TSQLRecord field, witch did not filled by the TSQLRecord.create