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Pages: 1
Hello everybody
Someone could provide an example of a simple business rule scenario like:
a sale with a customer and several product items
using data sharding with mormot and sqlite or mondogb even?
We're having a hard time understanding the concept and having a hard time building code correctly following this pattern.
If possible we will be very grateful
Indicating the way to do it also helps a lot.
The difficulty is in assimilating the concept, since we are from the RDBMS era with a monolithic database... Would it be a database for products with a table? How to store product data that are commonly used in JOINS?
Don't start from the tables/data, as with RDBMS.
But try to start from the services.
Which interfaces do you need? That is, which client-side use cases do you need?
So which objects do you need? Product, customer, sale?
Then you will use the framework to implement the service.
Pages: 1