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Given json such as this:
"Name": "Tree 1"
"Name": "Branch 1"
"Name": "Leaf 1"
"Name": "Leaf 2"
"Name": "Branch 2"
"Name": "Leaf 3"
"Name": "Leaf 4"
Is there a function to search for leaf based on its path and name?
Something defined similar to:
function findDVInPathByValue(const APath, AValue: string; out DV: PDocVariantData; var SearchStartIndex: Integer): Boolean;
And called like so:
SearchIndex := 0;
Forest.findDVInPathByValue('', 'Leaf 3', Leaf, SearchIndex)
do begin
// do stuff with each leaf named "Leaf 3"
I know how to iterate the trees and then branches and leaves.
V := _json('...');
Trees := _safe(V.Trees);
for Idx := 0 to Trees.Count - 1 do
Branch := _Safe(Trees.Values[Idx].Branches);
for Idx2 := 0 to Branch.Count - 1 do
Leaves := _Safe(Branch.Values[Idx2].Leaves);
if Leaves.GetDocVariantByProp('Name', 'Leaf 3', False, Leaf) then // only saves the last level
I was just wondering if there is something more appropriate/convenient already available.
I think GetValueByPath should be OK.
No, GetValueByPath returns value of (only first?) item matching the path.
But I already know the value. Instead I need to find the object that has given value.
There's problably nothing ready like that, SearchItemByProp only looks in first level.
Is there a function to search for leaf based on its path and name?
My first question would be: How big is the JSON file? If the JSON file is not too large, I would deserialize everything into a record structure and then pick out the data you want. This is simple, can be implemented quickly and you have full access to all data if more is needed.
With best regards
I just thought it would be useful function to have and i asked because i could not find anything like it.
I already solved my specific problem with dumb nested iterations. It's fast but stupid to write. I had 5 levels of nesting.
So please take it as a feature suggestion.
Thank you Igor and Thomas!