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SQLite3 engine has been updated to version 3.7.11.
Version 3.7.11 of SQLite is recommended for all new development. Upgrading from version, 3.7.7,, 3.7.8, or 3.7.9 is optional. Upgrading from all other SQLite versions, including 3.7.10, is recommended.
SQLite Release 3.7.11 On 2012 March 20 (3.7.11)
Enhance the INSERT syntax to allow multiple rows to be inserted via the VALUES clause.
Enhance the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE command to support the IF NOT EXISTS clause.
Added the sqlite3_stricmp() interface as a counterpart to sqlite3_strnicmp().
Added the sqlite3_db_readonly() interface.
Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA file control, giving VFS implementations the ability to add new PRAGMA statements or to override built-in PRAGMAs.
Queries of the form: "SELECT max(x), y FROM table" returns the value of y on the same row that contains the maximum x value.
Added support for the FTS4 languageid option.
Documented support for the FTS4 content option. This feature has actually been in the code since version 3.7.9 but is only now considered to be officially supported.
Pending statements no longer block ROLLBACK. Instead, the pending statement will return SQLITE_ABORT upon next access after the ROLLBACK.
Improvements to the handling of CSV inputs in the command-line shell
Fix a bug introduced in version 3.7.10 that might cause a LEFT JOIN to be incorrectly converted into an INNER JOIN if the WHERE clause indexable terms connected by OR.
Hi Ab,
OK, now it is working,
Warning. :
You need to recompile the c sources.
Otherwise you get an access violation ..
What mean " You need to recompile the c sources."?
What mean " You need to recompile the c sources."?
In SQLite3 subdir you need to run c.bat to create the obj files
I've updated the file to contain the newest 3.7.11 version.
You do not need to compile the c source by hand now.