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I create an annotation with this code
var an := Pdf.CreateAnnotation(asTextNotes, PdfRect(40, 40, 80, 80));
an.AddItem('Contents', TPdfText.Create('Contents example text');
an.AddItem('S', TPdfText.Create('S'));
an.AddItem('Open', TPdfBoolean.Create(true));
This creates a ballon that shows the text, but I like to change the icon and format that text... (I like to simulate a "hint" into the PDF).
Note: There are any documentation about annotations? I copied this 3 lines from searching "CreateAnnotation(asTextNotes" on Google...
The icon is solved, added this types in synPDF.pas (there's only defined asTextNotes and asLink)
/// The annotation types determines the valid annotation subtype of TPdfDoc
TPdfAnnotationSubType = (
asTextNotes, asLink, asSound, asFreeText, asStamp, asSquare, asCircle,
asStrikeOut, asHighlight, asUnderline, asInk, asFileAttachment, asPopup);
changed with
var an := Pdf.CreateAnnotation(asSquare, PdfRect(40, 40, 80, 80, abInset, 0));
an.AddItem('Contents', TPdfText.Create('Contents example text');
an.AddItem('Open', TPdfBoolean.Create(true));
The internal code for news type are OK, but the type was not defined...
Now, I like to change the design of the annotation text