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I have this instruction:
vAmostras: Variant;
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '',
'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)',
[], <MYFIELDS>);
I make many tests replacing <MYFIELDS>
<MYFIELDS> = 'RowId'
Log: EXC ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT RowId FROM Amostra left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)] using 3.44.2 - no such column: RowId",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 8f207c
Log: EXC ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT Id FROM Amostra left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)] using 3.44.2 - no such column: Id",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 8f207c
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.RowId, s.numero, amostra.numero'
Log: works and bring Amostra ID rightly
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.Rowid, amostra.*'
Log: works and return amostra.Id, others fields...
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.*, s.numero, amostra.numero'
Log: works but dont return amostra.Id neither amostra.RowId
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.RowId'
Log: don't execute sql nothing at logger
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.Id'
Log: don't execute sql nothing at logger
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.*'
Log: don't execute sql nothing at logger
<MYFIELDS> = 'amostra.Id, s.numero, amostra.numero'
Log: EXC ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT amostra.Id, s.numero, amostra.numero FROM Amostra left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)] using 3.44.2 - no such column: amostra.Id",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 8f207c
<MYFIELDS> = '*'
Log: EXC ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT RowID,DataCriacao,UltimaAlteracao,Numero,Solicitacao,Exames,DataEtiqueta,Rack,Linha,Coluna FROM Amostra left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)] using 3.44.2 - no such column: RowID",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 8f207c
Log: EXC ESqlite3Exception {Message:"Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [SELECT RowID,DataCriacao,UltimaAlteracao,Numero,Solicitacao,Exames,DataEtiqueta,Rack,Linha,Coluna FROM Amostra left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)] using 3.44.2 - no such column: RowID",ErrorCode:1,SQLite3ErrorCode:"secERROR"} [Main] at 8f207c
I forgot my configuration:
FConfigDB := TSqlDBPostgresConnectionProperties.Create(
FOrmModel := CreateModel;
VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(FOrmModel, FConfigDB);
FOrmModel.Props[TAmostra].ExternalDB.MapField('Solicitacao', 'IdSolicitacao');
FRestOrm := TRestClientDB.Create(FOrmModel, nil, SQLITE_MEMORY_DATABASE_NAME, TRestServerDB, false, '');
I want use ORM but can put my owner sqls too.
I read and reread documentation and dont understand when use RowID or ID (my field) too.
Last edited by mrbar2000 (2024-03-06 21:03:22)
First of all I want to congratulate you on the mormot. this is a great framework. Despite the vast documentation, many things are evident in it for those who are starting to use the framework.
I would like to understand the reason for this limitation, I am not talking about complex queries here, just talking about the fields to be returned by the ORM query.
This is not a complex query, I simply do the join to filter the records in the where clause.
From what I understand when using VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll with SQLITE_MEMORY_DATABASE_NAME my ID fields have to be treated as RowId when mentioning them in my source code. mormot will automatically convert RowID to ID to run against the database. Am I right?
What I don't understand is why something as basic as returning fields cannot be done in a simple way and consistent with what programmers are used to doing. Again this is not a criticism but an attempt to improve mormot so that we can make mormot closer to what programmers are used to.
So here samples that shouls be works IMHO:
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '', 'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)', [], 'RowID');
Should be bring all Amostra records, just field ID, but mormot raise error "no such column: RowId" and not is because join
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '', 'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)', [], '');
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '', 'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)', [], '*');
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '', 'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)', [], 'Amostra.*');
All this should be bring the samething, all amostra records.
by your documentation, the last parameter as '' should be bring all fields except RowId/Id and blob fields
vAmostras := FRestOrm.Orm.RetrieveDocVariantArray(TAmostra, '', 'left outer join Solicitacao s on (s.RowId = Amostra.solicitacao)', [], 'Amostra.*, s.*');
Should be bring all Amostra records and all fields, and all fields of solicitacao (as extra properties on variant).
What I mean is that it doesn't matter that the joins I put on where, should return only TORM´s fields passed on first parameter.
Unless I put join fields in the fields, but in this case I will be bringing the information in json without any problems
Last edited by mrbar2000 (2024-03-08 16:07:38)