#1 2024-09-09 12:38:42

Registered: 2024-01-08
Posts: 20

Problem with mormot.app.agl (process params with URI)

Hi Arnaud,

today i tried agl.exe / mormot.app.agl.pas. It works perfectly for my use case. But i have a problem with a process that has a URI in the params.

For example "powershell" -command "$l = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener ; $l.Prefixes.Add(''); $l.Start(); ..."

Problem detected in mormot.app.agl.Exec. "NormalizeFileName" is also done on the params. So "" under Windows becomes "http:\\\". Under Unix, the same probably happens with backslashes in the parameters.

Thanks ab, for this great framwork!

Kind regards,


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