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When I try to download a file (HTTP_RESP_STATICFILE) from a CALLBACKGET Method (TSQLRESTServer class), the output filename is the CALLBACKGET Method name.
Is anyone know what must i do for change it ?
sIn := StringToUTF8(vfilename);
sHead := 'Content-Type: ' + HTTP_RESP_STATICFILE;
aParams.Head^ := sHead;
aParams.Resp := sIn;
result := 200;
The aim is to download a client application for a local network server from his location (SERVERIP/client/Index?myInstallclient.exe).
All is in the header :
sIn := StringToUTF8(vfilename);
sHead := 'Content-Type: ' + HTTP_RESP_STATICFILE + #13 +
'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MyInstallprog.exe"';
aParams.Head^ := sHead;
aParams.Resp := sIn;
result := 200;