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Hello friends,
I saw this error on the log:
20140528 14471410 EXC EHttpApiServer ("HttpSendHttpResponse failed: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request (995)") at 006D5CEE stack trace 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
What does it mean?
I don't know exactly. Here is the whole log file:
TSQLLog 1.18 2014-05-28T11:40:04
20140528 11400425 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140528 14423019 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140528 14471410 EXC EHttpApiServer ("HttpSendHttpResponse failed: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request (995)") at 006D5CEE stack trace 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140528 15151820 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request") at 00667D2C stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 10395406 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 10395416 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 11063231 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 11063238 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request") at 00667D2C stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 11063245 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request") at 00667D2C stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
20140529 16024706 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 0066826A stack trace 006ABA60 006AB05F 006ADE80 00406CB2 0040B2E0 006D8E05 006D1C63 006D6DB0 004D27D0 0040B1EA 75D3339A 773E9EF2 773E9EC5
Last edited by colbert (2014-06-04 12:00:28)
The log should therefore contain the line numbers.
Did you use latest sqlite3*.obj files as stated by ?
It is impossible to reproduce your issue here, with so little information on your side.
We even do not know which SQL statement is wrong.
Yes, it's the latest sqlite3*.obj available. This error with the server in production with clients using.
Does the map file should be in the server folder, even using it in a "production state"?
On the case of the SQL statement, Do you think that this ticket could help?
I put the .map file in the Exe folder. The error looks like this now:
20140613 14511433 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 00267782 SynSQLite3.sqlite3_check (4207) stack trace 002AB0D4 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.ExecuteORMGet (25504) 002AA6D3 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.Execute (25335) 002AD4F4 mORMot.TSQLRestServer.URI (26234) 00005CB2 System.@GetMem 0000A2E0 System.@NewAnsiString 002D849D mORMotHttpServer.TSQLHttpServer.Request (570) 002D12FB SynCrtSock.THttpServerGeneric.Request (2003) 002D6448 SynCrtSock.THttpApiServer.Execute (5053) 000D17D0 System.Classes.ThreadProc 0000A1EA System.ThreadWrapper
20140613 14511504 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request") at 00267244 SynSQLite3.TSQLRequest.Reset (4127) stack trace 002AB0D4 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.ExecuteORMGet (25504) 002AA6D3 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.Execute (25335) 002AD4F4 mORMot.TSQLRestServer.URI (26234) 00005CB2 System.@GetMem 0000A2E0 System.@NewAnsiString 002D849D mORMotHttpServer.TSQLHttpServer.Request (570) 002D12FB SynCrtSock.THttpServerGeneric.Request (2003) 002D6448 SynCrtSock.THttpApiServer.Execute (5053) 000D17D0 System.Classes.ThreadProc 0000A1EA System.ThreadWrapper
20140613 14511535 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("TSQLRequest.Reset called with no previous Request") at 00267244 SynSQLite3.TSQLRequest.Reset (4127) stack trace 002AB0D4 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.ExecuteORMGet (25504) 002AA6D3 mORMot.TSQLRestServerURIContext.Execute (25335) 002AD4F4 mORMot.TSQLRestServer.URI (26234) 00005CB2 System.@GetMem 0000A2E0 System.@NewAnsiString 002D849D mORMotHttpServer.TSQLHttpServer.Request (570) 002D12FB SynCrtSock.THttpServerGeneric.Request (2003) 002D6448 SynCrtSock.THttpApiServer.Execute (5053) 000D17D0 System.Classes.ThreadProc 000
What is the purpose of your program?
What does the server side do?
What does the client side do?
Do the sample programs shipped with mORMot (ORM, services, and so on...) work on your computer?
Without code to reproduce the issue, it is hard to tell.
I guess you did not initialize properly the client or server side, but it is impossible to find out what's wrong for you.
Perhaps you are using interface-based services without authentication, and so on.
You may have to enable logging to find out the exact content of the issue (RESTful request, timing, SQL statement...).
The stack trace is not enough here to get the context.
I enabled SQL statements on the log. And the error happened again together with this SQL statement:
20140623 14130040 SQL TDBServer(02701510) SELECT ID,DataAlteracao,IdCliente,Cliente,Nome,Descricao FROM Vendas WHERE ID = 3482 AND ID = ; prepared with 1 param
20140623 14130040 EXC ESQLite3Exception ("near \"AND\": syntax error") at 00268AA2 SynCrypto.TAESAbstract stack trace 002ADFC0 mORMot.TSQLRestServer.SessionAccess (26413) 002AD5BF mORMot.TSQLRestServer.URI (26250) 002B03F5 mORMot.TSQLRestStorageInMemory.Create (27544) 00005CB2 System.@GetMem 0000A2E0 System.@NewAnsiString 002DD401 Vcl.Buttons.TSpeedButtonActionLink.IsGlyphLinked 002D625F SynCrtSock.THttpApiServer.Execute (5002) 002DB3AC Vcl.Buttons.{System.Generics.Collections}TList<System.Integer> 000D17D0 System.Classes.ThreadProc 0000A1EA System.ThreadWrapper
This SQL was not generated by hand, not even after the where clause.