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Pages: 1
System: Windows XP
Delphi Version: 7
SynPDF Version: 1.18
QuickReport Version: 3.5
PDF file generated by SynPDF, the Chinese characters can not display.
I use the font SimSun in my quick report, I found that the function TTFFontPostcriptName can not get right postscript name of font, instead of '???'
TPdfDocument.TTFFontPostcriptName(aFontIndex: integer; AStyle: TFontStyles; const ALogFont: TLogFontW): PDFString;
I don't know why the function returns '???', it should return 'SimSun' instead.
Please forgive my broken English.
Please help, thanks!
What is the low-level postscript name within the TTF?
Could you please use the debugger and retrieve it?
I was supposing that the Postcript font name should be using only plain ASCCI 7 bit latin characters, but sounds like if it is not the case.
What is the correct TTF field to be used in order to retrieve 'SimSun'?
The font file is simsun.ttc, the font name is '宋体', the postscript name is 'SimSun'.
I dont know where to find the debugger, please give me a link to get it.
Last edited by hawkx (2013-12-16 09:43:15)
We managed to fix incorrect Postscript font name retrieval e.g. for Asiatic fonts.
I suspect it will fix your issue.
I've also updated the official archive, to include this fix, which sounds mandatory for a lot of non-western users!
Feedback is welcome!
Pages: 1