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Pages: 1
first of all, sorry for my english... I'm brazilian
we have a project with mormot, and we are impressed with the performance, congratulations
I have a question about the function CreateAndFillPrepareMany...
we have a class with three tables, they are linked using Pivot, TSQLRecordMany, etc., but I want to open only two tables using this function... how can I do this?
CreateAndFillPrepareMany() works only for 2 tables.
If you have three tables, you need to use your own SQL statement.
BTW, why did not you consider using sharding, and a document-oriented aggregate layout, using variant properties?
See the SAD 1.18 pdf about "many to many" relationship and data sharding.
we did not know that CreateAndFillPrepareMany only works with two tables.
I'll read about this in the SAD 1.18 and adapt my code.
thanks for the reply.
Pages: 1