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Hi AB,
today i tried to optimize my Service which connects to a MySQL - Server with the following Statement
FModel := CreateModel;
FConnection := TSQLDBUniDACConnectionProperties.Create(TSQLDBUniDACConnectionProperties.URI(dMySQL,host + ':' + port), databasename, username, password);
VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(FModel, fConnection);
FDatabase := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(FModel, FSQLDB, true);
because it is a service which every 10 min works with the database, i disconnect it after i dont use it.
To increase Perfomance i wanted to call CreateMissingTables only at Servicestart and removed the above line.
In that way:
FModel := CreateModel;
FConnection := TSQLDBUniDACConnectionProperties.Create(TSQLDBUniDACConnectionProperties.URI(dMySQL,host + ':' + port), databasename, username, password);
VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(FModel, fConnection);
FDatabase := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(FModel, FSQLDB, true);
if IsServiceStarted then
And here is the Problem:
Now the Connection does not connect to MySQL any more !!!
Allthough FConnection points to a MySQL Database.
Now i think in CreateMissingTable is some code which connects the SQLite Engine with the MySQL one ?!
Last edited by itSDS (2014-10-02 12:46:44)
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
Note i did some MySQL reconnection refactoring on Zeos7.2:
To the Connection/ZURL properties and the clientdll is doing the job. Don't know what happens if a connection is broken -> still missing a valid testcase ):
I Implemented my Database as Global - Variable now and checked the Reconnect with mysql stop/start - works fine.
@Zeos I don't use Zeos cause i use UniDAC in all of my Projekts and know it well. In normal Projekts i don't thinks it's slow.
Do you know the Reason why UniDAC is slower as ZEOS ? It uses MySQL-Direct Interface to connect to MySQL.
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
On reading, UniDAC would use a TDataSet for reading the results, which is a real bottleneck.
On writing, UniDAC is less optimized than the latest version of Zeos.
See … PostgreSQL
ODBC MySQL 3160 38309 10856 47630
ZEOS MySQL 3426 34037 12217 40186
FireDAC MySQL 3078 43053 10955 45781
UniDAC MySQL 3119 27772 11246 33288
ODBC MySQL 10143 65538 82447
ZEOS MySQL 2052 171803 245772
FireDAC MySQL 3636 75081 105028
UniDAC MySQL 4798 99940 146968
Those numbers may be even better with the latest version of ZDBC/Zeos (Egon did make a lot of optimization work during the last months).
Pages: 1