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I get the following error requesting something from the wrapper:
"ErrorText":"Exception ESynException: TTextWriter.AddVariantJSON(VType=16387)"
20141021 18192424 + TSQLRestServerDB(0030CDD0).0059B624
20141021 18192424 call TSQLRestServerDB(0030CDD0) Wrapper
20141021 18192634 EXC ESynException ("TTextWriter.AddVariantJSON(VType=16387)") at 0052A477 stack trace API 0053C5D8 0040A900
20141021 18192636 srvr GET JobCloud/wrapper/CrossPlatform/mORMotClient.pas.txt ERROR=500 (Exception ESynException: TTextWriter.AddVariantJSON(VType=16387))
20141021 18192636 - 02.189.861
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
This was in fact a huge problem within the Delphi RTL itself.
On our side, we used our patched RTL, which was designed to be faster and also safer.
In the Delphi RTL, values are sometimes passed as varByRef, and string are always converted into BSTR/WideString/varOleStr.
This is fine if you want to run OleAutomation dispatch methods, but it does not work as expected if we want to store the supplied value in a TDocVariant, for instance.
I have tried to fix this, in all versions of Delphi, by
tyvm - no it works
Rad Studio 12.1 Santorini
Pages: 1