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I am working with a basic application which is similar to the '28 - Simple RESTful ORM Server'. But instead of PostGRE, I am using MSSQL database.
My Question: In that sample under RESTModel unit, they have a constant value as SERVER_ROOT = 'root'; SERVER_PORT = '888'; in my case for MSSQL, what could be the values of these constants?
Thanks in advance.
SERVeR_ROOT SERVER_PORT is use for http://localhost: 888/root/... is not a database connection
you can use unit SynDBODBC and declare
var aProps: TODBCConnectionProperties;
aProps := TODBCConnectionProperties.Create('','Driver=SQL SERVER;Database=Nuoxin;'Server=,8829;UID=sa;Pwd=1','','');
VirtualTableExternalRegister(aModel, TUserInfo, aProps, 'TB_SYS_USER');
more info
Yes, SERVER_ROOT = 'root' and SERVER_PORT = '888' are the settings for RESTful URI remote access, not for external DB.
You can also try TOleDBConnectionProperties as defined in SynOleDB.pas, which gives even better results for performance.
@ChinaPeng: Thanks for your reply. I have another question, but I don't know whether it's a stupid question.
Question: How could I access the MSSQL local database in localhost or
I have enabled tcp protocol(port: 1433) in mssql server configurations and mssql server is running perfectly. But I don't know how to access it in a localhost or
@Admin: Thanks and I am using TOleDBConnectionProperties as defined in SynOleDB.pas in my application. Can you also answer my above mentioned question if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by aruncs08 (2014-10-22 11:39:15)
TSQLRestServer code:
aModel := DataModel; //Here DataModel is my RESTModel function
aRestServer: TSQLRestServerDB;
aRestServer:= TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModel,':memory:',false);
Above I have followed just like the sample 28.
TOleDBConnectionProperties code:
aProps: TSQLDBConnectionProperties;
aProps := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create('ComputerUserName\SQLEXPRESS','Test','username','password');
As I said earlier, I don't how to access localhost connection for MSSQL database, so I have used my local database ServerName: 'ComputerUserName\SQLEXPRESS' and my Database name: 'Test'.
What about the following:
as with regular OleDB/ADO connection string?
Thanks for your reply. I have changed as you said, but now the problem with HttpSetServiceConfiguration.
Error: project raised exception class EHttpApiServer with message 'HttpSetServiceConfiguration failed: The parameter is incorrect (87)'.
The coding part is:
aHttpServer: TSQLHttpServer;
aHttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(SERVER_PORT,[aRestServer],'+',useHttpApiRegisteringURI);
Here SERVER_PORT:= 888 and aRestServer:= TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModel,':memory:',false);
Thanks in advance.
If you register the URI (via useHttpApiRegisteringURI), you need to run the application once with administration rights.
Please take a look at the SAD 1.18 documentation pdf.
Thanks for your suggestion, with administration rights our application runs. But again, there is a problem with the URL.
Error: Class EWinHTTP with message 'winhttp.dll error 12005 (The URL is invalid)'
My Code, related to this error:
aClient := TSQLHttpClientWinHTTP.Create('.\SQLEXPRESS',SERVER_PORT,aModel); //Server is '.\SQLEXPRESS', Server_Port is 888 and aModel is a DataModel function from RESTModel.
aClient.Add(aObject,true); //aObject is the RESTModel object.
In the above code if I change the server to 'localhost' instead of '.\SQLEXPRESS', then I got an error 'A connection with the server could not be established'.
Any solutions for this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Your still making a confusion between the REST server and the MSSQL server.
Your TSQLRestServer + TSQLHTTPServer instances create a REST server at localhost.
This has nothing to do with '.\SQLEXPRESS'.
The correct parameter is 'localhost' or ''.
I guess there is something else wrong in your code.
Please check the samples (e.g. "28 - Simple RESTful ORM Server") and fix your code.
Sorry, I was confused between the REST Server and MSSQL Server in that part.
Actually, now I am following the Sample 28. But I got an error 'A connection with the server could not be established'.
Code where the program breaks:
While debugging, the program breaks in the mORMot unit which follows
function TSQLRestClientURI.EngineAdd(TableModelIndex: integer;
const SentData: RawUTF8): integer;
var P: PUTF8Char;
url, Head: RawUTF8;
result := 0;
url := Model.URI[Model.Tables[TableModelIndex]];
if URI(url,'POST',nil,@Head,@SentData).Lo<>HTML_CREATED then
exit; // response must be '201 Created'
In the above code 'url' value is 'root/TRecord' and '@SentData' value is '{'JSON values of my TRecord'}'
And to be more detailed about this error code is followed,
function TSQLRestClientURI.ServerTimeStampSynchronize: boolean;
var status: integer;
aResp: RawUTF8;
fServerTimeStampOffset := 0.0001; // avoid endless recursive call
status := CallBackGet('TimeStamp',[],aResp); // exactly on this line the error throws
I could only find where was the error, but don't know exactly what the error was?
Let me know if you couldn't understand anywhere in this question.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by aruncs08 (2014-10-27 14:01:23)