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First of all let me say that I'm really impressed by the mormot framework.
I'm a RemObject/DataAbstract user and I'm seriously thinking to switch over mormot.
After having read the 1.8 documentation and done some lab experiment I've some newbie questions that I cannot find answer for.
Q1. External database access using AnyDAC still create a SQLite table
Using Firebird with AnyDAC I was able to create a simple project (I do not know how to upload to Synopse forums).
Why does mormot anyway creates a SQlite db, as in the following code (// 5. Create a REST Client)?
I mean: does the creation of at least one SQlite db is mandatory *even* if you only use External database access?
procedure TMainForm.SetupDataBase;
FirebirdServerIP: RawUTF8;
FirebirdFDBFile: RawUTF8;
FirebirdServerIP := '';
FirebirdFDBFile := 'C:\1DP\prove\mORMot_Test_Fabio\Data\MORMOT.FDB';
// 0. Create an AnyDAC Physical DriverLink for Firebird (or drop a TADPhysIBDriverLink on the form)
TADPhysIBDriverLink.Create(Application).VendorLib := 'fbclient.dll';
// 1. Populate the AnyDAC/FireDAC Firebird ConnectionProperties
fConnectionProps := TSQLDBFireDACConnectionProperties.Create('IB?CreateDatabase=Yes',
FirebirdServerIP + ':' + FirebirdFDBFile,
// 2. Connecting has the side effect of creating the database file
// 3. Create the Model
fModel := CreateModel;
// 4. Register all external tables (*BEFORE* calling TSQLRestClientDB.Create!)
VirtualTableExternalRegister(fModel, TSQLBaby, fConnectionProps, 'Baby');
VirtualTableExternalRegister(fModel, TSQLParent, fConnectionProps, 'Parent');
// 5. Create a REST Client
fClient := TSQLRestClientDB.Create(fModel, nil, string('SQliteDb.sqlite'), TSQLRestServerDB, false, '');
// 6. Create all missing tables/fields
Q2. How to use mormot with DBAware controls like TEdit, TDBGrid etc?
Q3. How to transform my little sample project from a monolithic client-server to two distinct executables: client.exe and server.exe.
Can someone please help me, telling where can I upload my sample project in order to show you the code?
Thank you very much in advance.
fabio vitale
Q1. The main SQLite3 file is just to create some "virtual tables", which would be able to JOIN all model's table.
You can use SQLITE_MEMORY_DATABASE_NAME as database name if all your tables are external (e.g. via a VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll() call).
Q2. Either:
- Use some simple wrappers from objects;
- Our TDataSet as data source - see sample "17 - TClientDataset use".
Q3. Create two projects, then put your shared code in a single unit.
See all the client-server samples in the project.
Arnaud merci mille :-)
I'll investigate and study as for your suggestions.
thank you!
fabio vitale
Pages: 1