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How can i connect to different database using SynDBRemote.pas.
I will try to tell.
There are so many databases on MS SQL Server.
Different companies defined on databases.
Somethings like that.
all of them MS SQL Server databases.
And User can connect all companies.
User can select company database what want.
On my server side, my code like that.
FSQLProps := TOleDBMSSQL2008ConnectionProperties.Create('localhost','COMPANY_01', 'sa', '');
FHttpServer := TSQLDBServerHttpApi.Create(FSQLProps, 'remote', '888','username','password');
And client
FSQLProps := TSQLDBWinHTTPConnectionProperties.Create('localhost:888', 'remote', 'username', 'password');
But i can not select database what client is want.
Working with multiple database client can connect database what company data has.
I need a server application for each databases?
Or is there any way for that?
Best Regards
Murat Ak
Hi again,
I see that.
But imagine that there are 100 or more databases and 1000 or more users to connect to different databases.
So what should i do? should i run 100 or more server application? And i need to configure all server applications one by one.
I dont know can i do with mormot? I hope i can do and i like to use mormot. I know i am new, but always when u start always be new.
Clients communicate with httpapi but, with a parameter, each clients can connect a different database on sql server with a own sql connection.
Every client its own ms sql server database for own company.
Thanks a lot for a great product.
I have many many questions but i have to focus on mormot much, i will try to find answers to my questions.
Best Regards
Murat Ak