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I've been looking at the samples but do not find a nice demo showing me how to do client side grid that is editable and updated to server.
E.g. like the Fishfacts demo for Delphi, but just in mORMot with Delphi client. Then how to edit a grid and send changed fields to server?
I can do it manually with TClientDataset but though maybe there is some code that can convert TSQLRecord list/array response from server to TClientdataset like in "17 - TClientdataset use" sample's StatementToClientDataSet. My app based on "HTTP client-server" sample.
There is no bi-directional grid feature in the framework yet.
You have several ways to fill grids, but no direct way to push editable fields to the server.
You have to do it manually with TClientDataSet.
I also expect to have such a feature.
This is the following feature request:
Hi Arnaud,
We have ToClientDataSet(), can we have a FromClientDataSet()?
Delphi XE4 Pro on Windows 7 64bit.
Lazarus trunk built with fpcupdelux on Windows with cross-compile for Linux 64bit.
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