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I'm new to the group.
I used fpc 3.1.1 and 1.5 Lazarus, I downloaded here:
Zeos 7.2
I use windows (32) - compiling example: 30 - MVC Server introduced this error in the compilation:
SynDBZEOS.pas (1170.0) Fatal: Unexpected end of file
Could someone give help to do?
the problem happens in the project "MainDemo" with this message: mORMoti18n.pas (2568.0) Fatal: Unexpected end of file
coincidentally both mORMoti18n.pas and SynDBZeos are commented, right?
sorry my english!
with MVCServer.dpr project have these errors:
MVCModel.pas(380,20) Error: Incompatible types: got "Pointer" expected "TPUtf8CharArray"
380,20 ====> fResults[f] := pointer(fFields[f]);
MVCModel.pas(387,36) Error: Incompatible types: got "PUTF8Char" expected "TPUtf8CharArray"
387,36 ====> fResults[r*fFieldCount+f] := P;
MVCModel.pas(541,80) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 6: Got "<address of function(Pointer;Pointer):LongInt;Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of function(PUTF8Char;PUTF8Char):LongInt;Register>"
541,80 ====> AddSortedRawUTF8(tags,tagsCount,tagTable.GetU(r,meta_id),nil,-1,@StrIComp);
MVCModel.pas(579,77) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 4: Got "<address of function(Pointer;Pointer):LongInt;Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of function(PUTF8Char;PUTF8Char):LongInt;Register>"
579,77 ====> pointer(tags),high(tags),tagTable.FieldBuffer(meta_id),@StrIComp);
We needed to set the proper Delphi compatibility compilation mode for FPC.
It now compiles (but won't work, due to missing RTTI for interfaces).
Thanks !
Pages: 1