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Hi guys,
I've been wondering how to implement the multi-legged Accounting Transaction using the ORM as described by Fowler here: … ction.html
The ORM might not be the best tool to model this, but it would make for an interesting use case nonetheless.
What I have so far:
TFinancialEvent = class;
TTransaction = class( TSQLRecord )
fAmount: TCurrency;
fAccount: TLegacyAccount;
fTransactionDate: TDateTime;
fStockEvent: TStockEvent;
property FinancialEvent : TFinancialEvent read fFinancialEvent write fFinancialEvent;
property TransactionDate : TDateTime read fTransactionDate write fTransactionDate;
property Account : TLegacyAccount read fAccount write fAccount;
property Amount : TCurrency read fAmount write fAmount;
TFinancialEvent = class( TSQLRecord )
fEventDate: TDateTime;
property EventDate : TDateTime read fEventDate;
Now, a lot of guys would now derive a new class from TFinancialEvent to handle specific events. Let's look at a Stock Procurement event, for instance:
TStockProcurementEvent = class(TFinancialEvent)
constructor Create( aStockItem : TLegacyStockItem; aQuantity: Double; aAmount : TCurrency;
aSupplier : TLegacySupplier; aReceivingLocation : TLegacyAccount; aDate : TDateTime ); reintroduce;
{ TStockProcurementEvent }
constructor TStockProcurementEvent.Create( aStockItem : TLegacyStockItem; aQuantity: Double; aAmount : TCurrency;
aSupplier : TLegacySupplier; aReceivingLocation : TLegacyAccount; aDate : TDateTime );
aTransaction : TTransaction;
inherited Create;
fEventDate := aDate;
//First add the Supplier leg
aTransaction := Self.Add;
aTransaction.Account := aSupplier;
aTransaction.Amount := -aAmount;
aTransaction.TransactionDate := aDate;
//Then add the Receiver leg
aTransaction := Self.Add;
aTransaction.Account := aReceivingLocation;
aTransaction.Amount := Amount;
aTransaction.TransactionDate := aDate;
There are some assumptions and the code is far from complete. The one solution I played with was to make TFinancialEvent a descendant from TCollection of TTransaction, which provides a clean separation from the Framework, but then there is no ORM involved.
So then I started playing with keeping a dynamic array of transactions in the Event object, but I haven't found an easy way to of adding or loading slave records using the ORM.
Any suggestions?