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I have to create a query between many tables in order to create a ticket (ticket like McDonald's for example). I must take a lot of informations in these tables. So I have to create joins. I read these parts of documentation : … ml#TITL_70 and mORMot … l#TITL_129 but I didn't understand all.
Firstly, for the cardinalities, I'll have a number of articles on my tickets, but this number may change every ticket. So I have to declare a number of attributs in my virtual table ? Like this :
property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FFirstOne write FFirstOne;
property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FSecondOne write FSecondOne;
Or only one time ?
Secondly, the join must be created with the ID of the table I want to join or with the attribut ?
MyFile := TSQLMyFile.CreateJoined(Client,aMyFileID);
I didn't find a sample with an example of joins.
For now, I have this :
{ Table cat_passself }
TSQLcat_passself = class(TSQLRecord)
fid_passage: Integer;
fdate_passself, flibelle_repas, fnumero_ticket, foperateur, fprix_repas, fprix_repas_recalcul,
fsubvention_fixe, fsubvention_cent : RawUTF8;
property id_passage: Integer Read fid_passage Write fid_passage;
property date_passself: RawUTF8 Read fdate_passself Write fdate_passself;
property libelle_repas: RawUTF8 Read flibelle_repas Write flibelle_repas;
property numero_ticket: RawUTF8 Read fnumero_ticket Write fnumero_ticket;
property operateur: RawUTF8 Read foperateur Write foperateur;
property prix_repas: RawUTF8 Read fprix_repas Write fprix_repas;
property prix_repas_recalcul: RawUTF8 Read fprix_repas_recalcul Write fprix_repas_recalcul;
property subvention_fixe: RawUTF8 Read fsubvention_fixe Write fsubvention_fixe;
property subvention_cent: RawUTF8 Read fsubvention_cent Write fsubvention_cent;
And in few tables :
{ Table com_personne }
TSQLcom_personne = class(TSQLRecord)
fid_entite: Integer;
fnom, fprenom1: RawUTF8;
fcat_passself: TSQLcat_passself;
property id_entite: Integer Read fid_entite Write fid_entite;
property nom: RawUTF8 Read fnom Write fnom;
property prenom1: RawUTF8 Read fprenom1 Write fprenom1;
property cat_passself: TSQLcat_passself read fcat_passself write fcat_passself;
with the join with "cat_passself"
I only declared attributs in my virtual tables. I didn't create joins for now.
Thank you !
Last edited by Thomas-Acia (2015-07-02 15:21:19)
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
For such an information to write, I would not use the relational model, but a plain list of ticket entries, e.g. using a TCollection or a T*ObjArray of records.
See … ml#TITL_29
The RDBMS concept is making thinks worse than necessary, IMHO.
I decided to use views with the ORM.
Now I have another question. Is possble to compare two values with a "IF" section in Mustache ??
(Example : {{#qte > 1}} {{qte}} {{/qte}} )
Thank you
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
Try with the latest version of Mustache:
{{#if qte>1}}{{qte}}{{/if}}
Try with the latest version of Mustache:
{{#if qte>1}}{{qte}}{{/if}}
Ok, I don't have the latest version ! Thank you !
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
I just updated my sources. I have a problem with this code :
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
How is your ITicketSignaling.ServerSetDB() method defined?
The error is pretty clear IMHO: the "wrapper" parameter of this method is not known.
Or perhaps even not compatible with interface-based services, which transmit values per representation, so need to be serializable as JSON.
See … l#TITL_154
How is your ITicketSignaling.ServerSetDB() method defined?
The error is pretty clear IMHO: the "wrapper" parameter of this method is not known.
Or perhaps even not compatible with interface-based services, which transmit values per representation, so need to be serializable as JSON.
See … l#TITL_154
procedure TServiceSignaling.ServerSetDB(Wrapper: TACIASQLWrapper);
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
A compatiblity problem would be strange because it worked before my update
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
I have no idea. I looked my code and the mORMot unit but I found nothing
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
I do not understand how it may remotely work at all.
In the same process, it may work, but remotely, via JSON, transmitting a TACIASQLWrapper instance and accessing its TACIASQLWrapper.Rest property won't just work.
So it may be allowed before, but the new stronger policy is much better.
Line 45518 in mORMot.pas, we have to add oTSQLRecord :
if ClassHasPublishedFields(ClassType) or
(JSONObject(ClassType,IsObjCustomIndex,[cpRead,cpWrite]) in
[{$ifndef LVCL}oCollection,{$endif}oObjectList,oUtfs,oStrings,
[color=#FF0000]oSQLRecord[/color],oException,oCustom]) then
You deleted this the 18th of June at 11:03.
Delphi 2010 - Delphi XE5 (x64 Apps) - CodeTyphon - Typhon IDE v 5.7 - FPC 3.1.1 - mORMot 1.18
Windows 7 - VirtualBox : Linux Debian 8.5 Jessie 32 bits
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