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We have quite a few tables with resursive data. Sqlite handles recursive queries, but have not found anything about it on the ORM level in the docs or in the source . Does the framework handle this? (Something like TSQLRecordRecursive ...) If not is there any workaround?
Last edited by Leslie7 (2015-07-08 16:03:04)
I think there is a simple way to extend mORMot with the ability to use common tables, which are much readable for complex queries and would make recursive queries possible as well. Should also work with the NexusDB #temptable format.
Have not tested it yet, but it should only require a little change in the SQLFromSelect function, plus a few more method signature needs the extra parameters added with an empty string default value.
CommonTablesExpr selects the records to work with instead of the whole table, therefor it must have a table with IDs of the records.
IDTableName is the name of this table.
IDTable(ID) as (...)
function SQLFromSelect(const TableName, Select, Where, SimpleFields, CommonTablesExpr, IDTableName: RawUTF8): RawUTF8;
if Select='*' then
// don't send BLOB values to query: retrieve all other fields
result := 'SELECT '+SimpleFields else
result := 'SELECT '+Select;
if CommonTablesExpr<> '' then
result := CommonTablesExpr+' '+result+' FROM '+TableName+' JOIN '+ IDTableName + ' ON '+TableName+'.ID='+IDTableName+'.ID '+SQLFromWhere(Where)
result := result+' FROM '+TableName+SQLFromWhere(Where);
If having two ID fields in the query is a problem for some db engines it may need an other name in the IDTable (eg _ID, ID_ ... ), or an other parameter for the ID field name, or use the tablename.fieldname syntax. There is no proper validation for the new params yet.
Last edited by Leslie7 (2015-07-09 10:55:29)
I mean no rushing at all, but I need to make a choice now how to proceed and your opinion about this suggestion would be helpful.
One way is to implement this how I see fit based on my limited knowledge of mORMots inner workings, but it would mean branching the frameworks source. Which is not the preferable choice.
Or if it requires only so little change in the source as it seems you could commit the proposed changes the way you see fit.
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