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Up to now, the User Interface part of our SQLite3 framework was using proprietary components from TMS software.
I've modified the source code so that standard VCL components will be used.
Together with our SynTaskDialog unit, you have a 100% Open Source solution for automated User Interface Generation.
I you paid the money for buying TMS components, you can still use them.
Just define the USETMSPACK conditional for your whole project.
Here is the screen content, using the TMS components:
And here is the new content, using only VCL components, available from Delphi 6 up to XE:
Of course, this is no exact replicate of the Office 2007/2010 Ribbon, but you've most functionalities:
- multiple pages - with one TSQLRecord table content per page, with a corresponding ribbon tab ('Audit trail', 'Memo', 'Data'...);
- multiple toolbars per page - with buttons and toolbar captions ('Data', 'Record management', 'Select', 'Settings');
- page groups above the tabs ('Main', 'Clear', 'Safe');
- global buttons, shared by all pages: the 'Help' button in this case.
Note that the form itself has no Caption bar.
It has some custom rendering, with nice minimize/maximize/close buttons on the upper right, and a caption.
I like the resulting rendering of those components.
The above screenshot was taken under Windows Seven. Of course, the layout will be diverse under XP, and under 2000. But you got the idea!
There was a problem with my first implementation: the buttons in the toolbars were added in reverse order: from right to left!
No one did see this from the forum screenshot?
Now it's fixed and screens are almost the same.
Here is an extract from the documentation:
You could of course design your own User Interface without our framework.
That is, this is perfectly feasible to use only the ORM part of it. For instance, it should be needed to develop AJAX applications using its RESTful model, since such a feature is not yet integrated to our provided source code.
But for producing user-friendly rich applications, the framework provides a mechanism based on both ORM description and RTTI compiler-generated information in order to create most User Interface by code.
It is able to generated a Ribbon-based application, in which each table is available via a Ribbon tab, and some actions performed to it.
So the framework would need to know:
- Which tables must be displayed;
- Which actions should be associated with each table;
- How the User Interface should be customized (e.g. hint texts, grid layout on screen, reporting etc...);
- How generic automated edition, using the !TRecordEditForm!LibSQLite3UIEdit.pas unit, is to be generated.
To this list could be added an integrated event feature, which can be linked to actions and custom status, to provide a centralized handling of user-level loging (as used e.g. in the SynFile TSQLAuditTrail table) - please do not make confusion between this user-level logging and technical-level logging using TSynLog and TSQLLog classes and "families" - see 16.
The current implementation of the framework User Interface generation handles two kind of rendering:
- Native VCL components;
- Proprietary TMS components.
You can select which set of components are used, by defining - globally to your project (i.e. in the Project/Options/Conditionals menu) - the USETMSPACK conditional. If it is not set (which is by default), it will use VCL components.
The native VCL components will use native Windows API components. So the look and feel of the application will vary depending on the Windows version it is running on. For instance, the resulting screen will be diverse if the application is run under Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Seven. The "ribbon" as generated with VCL components has most functionalities than the Office 2007/2010 ribbon, but will have a very diverse layout.
The TMS components will have the same rendering whatever the Windows it's running on, and will display a "ribbon" very close to the official Office 2007/2010 version.
Here are some PROs and CONs about both solutions:
Criteria VCL TMS
Rendering Basic Sophisticated
OS version Variant Constant
Ribbon look Unusual Office-like
Preview button & Shortcuts None by default Available
Extra Price None High
GPL ready Yes No
Office UI Licensing N/A Required
EXE size Smaller Bigger
It's worth saying that the choice of one or other component set could be changed on request. If you use the generic components as defined in SQLite3ToolBar (i.e. the TSynForm, TSynToolBar, TSynToolButton, TSynPopupMenu, TSynPage, TSynPager, TSynBodyPager and TSynBodyPage classes) and SynTaskDialog (for TSynButton) in your own code, the USETMSPACK conditional will do all the magic for you.
The Office UI licensing program was designed by Microsoft for software developers who wish to implement the Office UI as a software component and/or incorporate the Office UI into their own applications. If you use TMS ribbon, it will require acceptance of the Office UI License terms as defined at
If you want to design your user interface using a Office 2007/2010 ribbon look, please take a look at those official guidelines:
We didn't use yet the Ribbon component as was introduced in Delphi 2009. Its action-driven design won't make it easy to interface with the event-driven design of our User Interface handling, and we have to confess that this component has rather bad reputation (at least in the Delphi 2009 version). Feel free to adapt our Open Source code to use it - we'll be very pleased to release a new version supporting it, but we don't have time nor necessity to do it by ourself.
The great Windows Ribbon Framework for Delphi won't fit our need of a on-the-fly generated Ribbon from code.
Its design, from the Microsoft implementation itself, is to create the UI from an XML resource, linked at compilation...
In the project I was developing, there are many records to be displayed on the Ribbon.
So that not all records can appear on the screen (although there are navigation buttons (Prev Page and Next Page) on TSynPager).
TabGroup also not all can appear on the screen, because one group can have a lot of records.
The following fact what I need to my current project, which is associated with the Ribbon and ToolBar.
1. only associate records (TSynPage) which the group must be shown.
- Might be better if TopMostPanel replaced by TPageControl.
2. in particular TSQLRecordClass I also need to show a different behavior. Is there an easy way to override TSynBodyPager?
- for instance, I do not want to display data in a grid, but with PageControl.
3. I also need TSQLCustomToolBar can be placed on the TPanel or the other TWinControl class. But TSQLCustomToolBar.Init () does not allow it.
Thank you
Thanks for your interest.
1. I do not get your point here.
What do you want to display?
2. and 3.
You can change the generated layout with your own, after creation.
2. Delete the grid component and the associated wrapper.
3. Change the parent.
If you can be more explicit about what you "want" to achieve, it would be easier for me to change the "how".
sorry for the question is not so obvious.
to make no.1 and no.2 more clear, might be better if I make it directly on the form as follows:
object Form1: TForm1
Left = 192
Top = 124
Width = 870
Height = 552
Caption = 'Form1'
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object pgc1: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 854
Height = 145
ActivePage = ts1
Align = alTop
TabOrder = 0
object ts1: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Home'
object pgc2: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 117
ActivePage = ts6
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts6: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card'
object ts23: TTabSheet
Caption = '...'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts2: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Regional'
ImageIndex = 1
object pgc3: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 117
ActivePage = ts13
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts7: TTabSheet
Caption = 'City'
object ts8: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Country'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts9: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Province'
ImageIndex = 2
object ts10: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Regency'
ImageIndex = 3
object ts11: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Sub District'
ImageIndex = 4
object ts12: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Village'
ImageIndex = 5
object ts13: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Hamlet'
ImageIndex = 6
object ts3: TTabSheet
Caption = 'People'
ImageIndex = 2
object pgc4: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 117
ActivePage = ts22
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts14: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Address'
object ts15: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Education'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts16: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Job'
ImageIndex = 2
object ts17: TTabSheet
Caption = 'People'
ImageIndex = 3
object ts22: TTabSheet
Caption = '...'
ImageIndex = 4
object ts4: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Identity'
ImageIndex = 3
object pgc5: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 117
ActivePage = ts21
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts18: TTabSheet
Caption = 'SIN'
object ts19: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Passport'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts20: TTabSheet
Caption = 'KITAS'
ImageIndex = 2
object ts21: TTabSheet
Caption = '...'
ImageIndex = 3
object ts5: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Utility'
ImageIndex = 4
object pgc6: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 117
ActivePage = ts24
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts24: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Audit Trail'
object ts25: TTabSheet
Caption = 'User Log'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts26: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Error Log'
ImageIndex = 2
object ts27: TTabSheet
Caption = '....'
ImageIndex = 3
object pgc7: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 145
Width = 854
Height = 369
ActivePage = ts28
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 1
object ts28: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card'
object lbl2: TLabel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 846
Height = 13
Align = alTop
Caption =
'If TSQLFamilyCard is Selected, i want to show User Interface thi' +
object pgc8: TPageControl
Left = 0
Top = 13
Width = 846
Height = 328
ActivePage = ts29
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts29: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card-1'
object pnl1: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 838
Height = 73
Align = alTop
Caption = 'pnl1'
TabOrder = 0
object lbl1: TLabel
Left = 32
Top = 48
Width = 45
Height = 13
Caption = 'Patriarch:'
object lbledt1: TLabeledEdit
Left = 128
Top = 16
Width = 121
Height = 21
EditLabel.Width = 94
EditLabel.Height = 13
EditLabel.Caption = 'Family Card Number'
EditLabel.Transparent = True
LabelPosition = lpLeft
TabOrder = 0
object cbb1: TComboBox
Left = 128
Top = 40
Width = 145
Height = 21
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 1
Text = 'cbb1'
object grp1: TGroupBox
Left = 0
Top = 73
Width = 838
Height = 227
Align = alClient
Caption = 'Family Member'
TabOrder = 1
object dg1: TDrawGrid
Left = 2
Top = 15
Width = 834
Height = 210
Align = alClient
TabOrder = 0
object ts30: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card-2'
ImageIndex = 1
object ts31: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card-3'
ImageIndex = 2
object ts32: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card-4'
ImageIndex = 3
object ts33: TTabSheet
Caption = 'Family Card-5'
ImageIndex = 4
object ts34: TTabSheet
Caption = '...'
ImageIndex = 5
3. ok. i do as follow
TB: TSQLCustomToolBar;
SynPager:= TSynPager.Create(Self);
SynPager.Parent:= pnl2;
SynPager.Align:= alClient;
TB.Page.PageControl:= SynPager;
thank you.