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Pages: 1
Hi AB,
first of all : finally my interfaced based service works ! tx very much !!!
The server application has a main form wich ownes a tSQLRestServerDB an also a tSQLRestClientURI, created only on need : this to permit some administration customization.
All works fine but, shutting down the process , if I've created and used the interface methods from client, some threads remain active after all objects have been destroyed : consuming over a 30% of cpu resources.
When starting the program , without using the inside client, shutdown works well.
I'm in this situation because initially, the application used vcl objects and direct calls to the server : then , adding services and permit use of your great tSQLGTableToGrid, I've introduced the client.
I have to create two distinct program ? The server and a client for administration tasks ?
Which threads?
How are they named in the IDE?
If you debug within the IDE, the threads would be named in the IDE "thread list" window.
I think it may help identify which threads are still working.
In thread status panel stay these threads in state runnable (while destroying form they are in statu stopped)
Main thread :
tSQLHttpServer worker : 32 threads.
sometimes there are other 3 unnnamed threads (only id).
objects destroy order is :
After a while, the unnamed threads end.
yes but, the unnamend threads end after one minute, non so do the httpserver worker that stay alive forever : i haven't killed the last process and they are still running.
No, httpserver threads end normally : remain only other unnamed threads.
Im investigating....
Pages: 1