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I really need to mix ORM with SQL for existing database (performance and DB logic) and I have small problem with batching.
Is any simple way to omit transaction inside batch system? I can't use plain ORM. It's big existing project, I don't have any chance to do it in pure correct "mORMot style".
b := TSQLRestBatch.Create(aRestServer, TSQLsome, MaxInt);
with TAutoFree.One(r, TSQLsome.CreateAndFillPrepare(Ctxt.Call.InBody)) do
while r.FillOne do
b.Add(r, true);
aRestServer.BatchSend(b); // here is called aProps.MainConnection.Commit, in my code I need to omit this
aProps.Execute('SELECT pr_tr_some trigger(' + IntToKey(LBillID) + ',0)', []);
aProps.Execute('SELECT pr_tr_some_trigger2(' + IntToKey(LBillID) + ')', []);
{ more FPC operations and ORM operations and SQLs }
aProps.MainConnection.Rollback; // don't work because "aRestServer.BatchSend"
only working solution for me is using:
with TAutoFree.One(r, TSQLsome.CreateAndFillPrepare(Ctxt.Call.InBody)) do
while r.FillOne do
aRestServer.Add(r, true);
instead of:
with TAutoFree.One(r, TSQLsome.CreateAndFillPrepare(Ctxt.Call.InBody)) do
while r.FillOne do
b.Add(r, true);
aRestServer.BatchSend(b); // here is called aProps.MainConnection.Commit, in my code I need to omit this
Last edited by hnb (2015-08-28 13:29:48)
best regards,
Maciej Izak
Nested transactions are not supported, since it is almost impossible to find a consistent way of using transactions, at SQL level, among all databases.
There is a world between FireBird and Oracle transactions...
As documented, there is no transaction created in BatchSend(), if you leave AutomaticTransactionPerRow=0 in TSQLRestBatch.Create.
Sorry, somehow I overlooked it :\ . You need to write book about mORMot: "mORMot in nutshell"
Is any other potential "critical" place where can be executed aProps.MainConnection.Commit ?
best regards,
Maciej Izak
To be sure:
I need to create 2 "ConnectionProperties" for different PostgreSQL DB users (one normal user where is used ORM and second user where some triggers are off - for performance, and for this user is mixed ORM with SQL). User without triggers is used less often and I'am also limited by number of allowed connections to PostgreSQL:
aProps := TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties.Create(
TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties.URI(dPostgreSQL, 'localhost:xxxx', 'libpq.dll', False), 'xxxxx', 'postgres', '********');
aPropsDisabledTriggers := TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties.Create(
TSQLDBZEOSConnectionProperties.URI(dPostgreSQL, 'localhost:xxxx', 'libpq.dll', False), 'xxxxx', 'noTriggers', '********');
// to get only single connection for aPropsDisabledTriggers
aPropsDisabledTriggers.ThreadingMode := tmMainConnection;
Now I need to create 2 models. Each of the model is the same model, but if I understand correctly model is correlated to ConnectionProperties and I must to do this in this way:
aModelForHttp := CreateModel; // model is also used for http server
aModelForDisabledTriggers := CreateModel;
// use PostgreSQL database for all tables
VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(aModelForHttp, aProps);
VirtualTableExternalRegisterAll(aModelForDisabledTriggers, aPropsDisabledTriggers);
Now I need to create 2 rest servers. One is for http, and second is only for my special "no trigger" postgreSQL user.
If I understand correctly the safest and the only settings for PostgreSQL for execORM* is amBackgroundORMSharedThread:
aRestServer := TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods.Create(aModelForHttp,':memory:',false);
aRestServerDisabledTriggers := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(aModelForDisabledTriggers,':memory:',false);
aRestServer.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMGet] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
aRestServer.AcquireWriteMode := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
// create tables or fields if missing
aRestServerDisabledTriggers.AcquireExecutionMode[execORMGet] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
aRestServerDisabledTriggers.AcquireWriteMode := amBackgroundORMSharedThread;
after execution of aRestServer.CreateMissingTables (above) I don't need connection for DB for aProps in main thread so now I can call:
to limit http server threads (and connections to PostgreSQL):
aHttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('888',[aRestServer],'+',useHttpApiRegisteringURI, 7);
aHttpServer.AccessControlAllowOrigin := '*';
So after all of above operations the max DB connections = 8 (7 for aProps and 1 for aPropsDisabledTriggers).
I've added fLocker in TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods.
And main question
Am I on right track?
For safety my published method in TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods should looks like this (SendReceiptPosition is also for non Delphi/FPC clients):
procedure TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods.SendReceiptPosition(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);
r: TSQLsomeRecord;
LConnection: TSQLDBConnection;
LBillID: Integer;
b: TSQLRestBatch;
IDs: TIDDynArray;
LConnection := aPropsDisabledTriggers.MainConnection;
// already connected by aRestServerDisabledTriggers.CreateMissingTables();
//if not LConnection.IsConnected then
// LConnection.Connect;
@b, TSQLRestBatch.Create(aRestServerDisabledTriggers, TSQLsomeRecord),
@r, TSQLsomeRecord.CreateAndFillPrepare(Ctxt.Call.InBody)])
do try
while r.FillOne do
b.Add(r, true);
if aRestServerDisabledTriggers.BatchSend(b, IDs) = HTML_SUCCESS then
LBillID := ifthen(r.BillID <> 0, r.BillID, -1);
aPropsDisabledTriggers.Execute('SELECT some_Trigger1', []);
aPropsDisabledTriggers.Execute('SELECT some_Trigger2', []);
// ...
if LBillID <> -1 then
thanks in advance!
best regards,
Maciej Izak
AFAIK AcquireExecutionMode[] and AcquireWriteMode only affect ORM remote access via URI, not direct BatchSend().
If you want the SendReceiptPosition method-based service to be run in the same thread, you would need to set AcquireExecutionMode[execSOAByMethod] := amBackgroundORMSharedThread.
But in fact,
- it would use its own thread, not the same thread as execORMGet/execORMWrite
- and this would affect all method-based services
So it won't be perfect, either.
What you may do is simply not directly calling TSQLRestServer/TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods, but a TSQLRestClientDB.
Use TSQLRestClientDB.Create(aRunningServer: TSQLRestServerDB) constructor.
Thanks to this, all ORM process would pass through TSQLRestServer.URI, so threading would be consistent, and would use a single amBackgroundORMSharedThread connection.
But in fact,
- it would use its own thread, not the same thread as execORMGet/execORMWrite
- and this would affect all method-based services
So it won't be perfect, either.
So probably fLocker.ProtectMethod is the best option
AFAIK AcquireExecutionMode[] and AcquireWriteMode only affect ORM remote access via URI, not direct BatchSend().
What you may do is simply not directly calling TSQLRestServer/TSQLMyDBServerWithPublishedMethods, but a TSQLRestClientDB.
Use TSQLRestClientDB.Create(aRunningServer: TSQLRestServerDB) constructor.
Thanks to this, all ORM process would pass through TSQLRestServer.URI, so threading would be consistent, and would use a single amBackgroundORMSharedThread connection.
for batching I will use aRestClient*.BatchSend instead of aRestServer*.BatchSend.
Thanks for suggestions.
best regards,
Maciej Izak
fLocker would not share the same thread, just lock the process.
So it would not share the same PostgreSQL connection, which sounds like a good idea.
No need to do any locking if you define the ORM execution via amBackgroundORMSharedThread.
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