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In this commit we add Oracle Wallet support to SynDBOracle.
To not store connection credentials (user name / password) for Oracle connection you can use the External Password Store.
In this case set TSQLDBOracleConnectionProperties.UseWallet to true.
Wallet configuration is performed on the computer where server is running. You must perform full Oracle 32bit client setup - using of InstantClient is not possible with wallets.
Steps to create Wallet:
1) create a folder for you wallet
> mkdir c:\OraWallets
2) Create a wallet on the client by using the following syntax at the command line:
> mkstore -wrl c:\OraWallets -create
Oracle will ask you the wallet password - remember it!
3) Create database connection credentials in the wallet by using the following syntax at the command line:
mkstore -wrl c:\OraWallets -createCredential TNS_alias_name_from_tnsnames_ora username password
where password is the password of database user. Oracle will ask you the wallet password - use the password from previous step.
4) In the client sqlnet.ora file, add the WALLET_LOCATION parameter and set it to the directory location of the wallet and set SQLNET.WALLET_OVERRIDE parameter to TRUE
(DIRECTORY = c:\OraWallets)
You can not drop database while it has wallet. You can delete wallet credentials by the next command
mkstore -wrl wallet_location -deleteCredential db_alias
Oracle will ask you the wallet password - use the same password which you used for creation wallet
I've updated the documentation to add information about this feature.
and … l#TITL_117
Pages: 1