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I'm using only the http layer of mormot (Interface based services) in a legacy (ex-datasnap) project. I'm developing my own authentication methods (because of compatibility issues) and I want to send a session token from the client to the server in every request. I guess I can do that with a custom header.
Which is the right way to do this?
I didn't find any Headers property. I tried to override some internal methods of TSQLHttpClient but without success. I guess I'm looking in the wrong place.
Last edited by Roberto Schneiders (2015-10-30 18:18:07)
I could use a modified version of TSQLRestServerAuthenticationHttpBasic, overriding the CheckPassword method, but I have one problem. AFAIK, mORMot save the authentication details (token/signature) in memory, and this would not work for me.
I will have more then one server running (Using AWS Auto-scaling/Load Balancer), so, I need to persist that data on Redis.
Any ideas how to do that?
In fact, headers are something tied to HTTP.
Whereas you may call interfaces outside the HTTP/REST layer.
IMHO the easiest is to use a sicClientDriven kind of interface-based service.
The "session" authentication would stay as long as the client would have its instance running.
The major problem is that the load balancer (AWS ELB) will send the request to any of the servers and it is not predictable. So, I can't rely on any in-memory information/session on the server side.
This server will serve a ton of clients with a low usage per client, so, I'm using sicPerThread.
Pass the session ID as parameter, or try to make the services stateless...
From my point of view I would use a mORMot server as load balancing front end, perhaps...
I have some methods that are called in the DBX layer, some sort of a IAPPServer crazy wrapper, so, it will be much easier to send the session id on a HTTP Header rather than a explicit parameter.
In fact, It is perfectly possible to make a full stateless server, but, I will have to send some information from the client (like the user id) in every request, which is fine if I can send via Header or something like that, but, if I have to send those params explicitly in every method, it will became a mess.
About the Load Balancer, use mORMot can be a good idea, but, It will bring me some new problems. The ELB automatically adjust itself according to the traffic, if I use mORMot I will have to use a fixed EC2 machine that can support our peak usage (primarily network bandwidth), which can became expensive. ELB also gives me a free failover system. If one of the servers became offline, it will automatically launch a new server. I think this will be a lot more complicated to do without ELB.
Just an idea, in SynCrtSock.pas THTTPRequest has several methods where a custom header could be send:
class function Get(const aURI: SockString; const aHeader: SockString=''; aIgnoreSSLCertificateErrors: Boolean=true): SockString;
class function Post(const aURI, aData: SockString; const aHeader: SockString=''; aIgnoreSSLCertificateErrors: Boolean=true): SockString;
function Request(const url, method: SockString; KeepAlive: cardinal; const InHeader, InData, InDataType: SockString; out OutHeader, OutData: SockString): integer; virtual;
I mean you could use Interfaced based services on servicer side and a TWinHTTPClient on client side to call the services with your custom headers.
Last edited by danielkuettner (2015-11-04 16:36:52)
Thanks Daniel,
I was able to change the headers by overriding the InternalRequest on TSQLHttpClient.
function InternalRequest(const url, method: RawUTF8; var Header, Data, DataType: RawUTF8): Int64Rec; override;