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is it possible to bind an array in a TSQLRecord-class?
Or what is the best way to do the following task?
I have a class and I would like to select all cars which IDs I pass in a list.
TCar = class;
TSQLCar = class(TSQLRecord);
function GetCars(const AIDList: TList<Integer>): TList<TCar>;
// My question here is how can I pass in the best way the IDs from the list?
SQLCar := SQLCar.CreateAndFillPrepare(ClientDB, 'ID = ?');
The most obvious solution would be to iterate the list, create a comma separated ID-string and do something like 'ID IN (1,2,3,4)'. Is it a good way to do it?
What about the strings which should be escaped? E.g. 'Name IN (...)'
How can I parameterize a TSQLRecord?
Thank you for your help!
Greets CC
There is no standard way of parametrizing such a query in SQL.
So the ORM has no way of running a ID=? with an array.
What you can do is indeed create a ID IN (1,2,3,4) string.
You can use the Int64DynArrayToCSV() function to generate the IN() clause very efficiently.
For instance:
Int64DynArrayToCSV([1,2,3,4],4,'ID in (',')')
Thank you for your quick answer! :-)
Pages: 1