#1 2016-09-06 07:52:10

Registered: 2012-08-19
Posts: 4

Privileged instruction.


Some computers raises "Privileged instruction" exception.
It occurs in versions with updates.
gdi32.dll file is updated.
gdi32.dll Version :10.0.14393.0
gdi32.dll file size is 201K.

madExcept  log:

date/time         : 2016-09-02, 18:49:15, 600ms
computer name     : ZAKIB
user name         : ZakiT
registered owner  : Hp
operating system  : Windows 8 x64 build 9200
system language   : Turkish
system up time    : 2 days 9 hours
program up time   : 1 minute 3 seconds
processors        : 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz
physical memory   : 9541/16265 MB (free/total)
free disk space   : (C:) 270,16 GB
display mode      : 1920x1080, 32 bit
process id        : $2858
allocated memory  : 202,01 MB
command line      : "C:\Program Files (x86)\xxxxx\REPENGINE.EXE" 
executable        : REPENGINE.EXE
exec. date/time   : 2016-09-01 23:06
version           :
compiled with     : Delphi XE3
madExcept version : 4.0.7
callstack crc     : $75df162a, $e8b949c2, $7bcf8464
exception number  : 1
exception class   : EPrivilege
exception message : Privileged instruction.

main thread ($3514):
75df162a +0000 GDI32.dll
0112ecf4 +009c REPENGINE.EXE SynPdf                   TPdfWrite.AddUnicodeHexTextUniScribe
0112f560 +0060 REPENGINE.EXE SynPdf                   TPdfWrite.AddUnicodeHexText
0113718b +002b REPENGINE.EXE SynPdf                   TPdfCanvas.ShowText
01135a04 +0058 REPENGINE.EXE SynPdf                   TPdfCanvas.TextOutW
0188b2a1 +0115 REPENGINE.EXE ReportDlg      1557  +16 TReportForm.TStartBtnClick
006261cb +006f REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TControl.Click
005d10e2 +001e REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TCustomButton.Click
007987c1 +00a5 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Buttons              TBitBtn.Click
005d1c04 +0010 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TCustomButton.CNCommand
00625c75 +02bd REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TControl.WndProc
0062a709 +05c5 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.WndProc
005d0d8c +006c REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TButtonControl.WndProc
006258b0 +0024 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TControl.Perform
0062a86f +0023 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             DoControlMsg
0062b2f7 +000b REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.WMCommand
00625c75 +02bd REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TControl.WndProc
0062a709 +05c5 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.WndProc
00656c0e +007a REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Themes               TStyleHook.WndProc
00629d4c +002c REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.MainWndProc
004dc3cc +0014 REPENGINE.EXE System.Classes           StdWndProc
77b0fef4 +0034 ntdll.dll                             KiUserCallbackDispatcher
77340bcb +013b USER32.dll                            SendMessageW
005db7d3 +0043 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TButtonStyleHook.DoClick
005dbb4b +002b REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TButtonStyleHook.WMLButtonUp
00656c0e +007a REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Themes               TStyleHook.WndProc
00656dfc +0000 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Themes               TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc
005db874 +005c REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TButtonStyleHook.WndProc
00656594 +0064 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Themes               TStyleHook.HandleMessage
006ba966 +0116 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Styles               TStyleEngine.HandleMessage
006539ac +0054 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Themes               TStyleManager.HandleMessage
00628a93 +000f REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage
0062a19f +005b REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.WndProc
005d0d8c +006c REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.StdCtrls             TButtonControl.WndProc
00629d4c +002c REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Controls             TWinControl.MainWndProc
004dc3cc +0014 REPENGINE.EXE System.Classes           StdWndProc
005f585b +00f3 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Forms                TApplication.ProcessMessage
005f589e +000a REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Forms                TApplication.HandleMessage
005f5bd9 +00c9 REPENGINE.EXE Vcl.Forms                TApplication.Run
04598060 +0468 REPENGINE.EXE REPENGINE                 initialization
76b962c2 +0022 KERNEL32.DLL                          BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $302c:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3cd4:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2634:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $31c0:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $254c:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3b68:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1c88:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $23c0:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2b20:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3b8c:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1ecc:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3194:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3ee0:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3590:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c94:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $320c:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1d9c:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2c5c:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $35d0:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c98:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3c08:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $16a8:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1c38:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1ea4:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2388:
76452af4 +84 KERNELBASE.dll  SleepEx
76452a5a +0a KERNELBASE.dll  Sleep
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3888:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $371c:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3998: <priority:2>
7735249d +4d USER32.dll                      GetMessageA
009b5385 +0d REPENGINE.EXE madExcept 16670 +6 CallThreadProcSafe
009b53ea +32 REPENGINE.EXE madExcept 16720 +9 ThreadExceptFrame
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL                    BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($3514) at:
70b830ab +00 winmm.dll

thread $3024:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3dd8:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3cf4:
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll                    WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
009b5385 +0d REPENGINE.EXE   madExcept 16670 +6 CallThreadProcSafe
009b53ea +32 REPENGINE.EXE   madExcept 16720 +9 ThreadExceptFrame
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL                      BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by main thread ($3514) at:
7687d227 +00 combase.dll

thread $2364:
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
77348ea3 +63 USER32.dll      MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $b38:
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
77348ea3 +63 USER32.dll      MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3d68:
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $28ac:
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3f14: <priority:2>
76451a2a +ea KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2b90:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $29c4:
7644ac83 +93 KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObjectEx
7644abdd +0d KERNELBASE.dll  WaitForSingleObject
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL    BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2500:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1e8c:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $25d8:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2964:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2574:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2598:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $25d4:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $1e4:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3d3c:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $2ac8:
76451a69 +129 KERNELBASE.dll                    WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
77348941 +171 USER32.dll                        MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7690eac9 +089 combase.dll                       CoWaitForMultipleHandles
009b5385 +00d REPENGINE.EXE   madExcept 16670 +6 CallThreadProcSafe
009b53ea +032 REPENGINE.EXE   madExcept 16720 +9 ThreadExceptFrame
76b962c2 +022 KERNEL32.DLL                      BaseThreadInitThunk
>> created by thread $371c at:
7616a62c +000 shcore.dll

thread $2494:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $29a4:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

thread $3728:
76b962c2 +22 KERNEL32.DLL  BaseThreadInitThunk

cpu registers:
eax = 0019e346
ebx = 01102d28
ecx = 00000000
edx = 01102dc4
esi = 5574f164
edi = 0019e428
eip = 75df162a
esp = 0019e320
ebp = 0019e39c

stack dump:
0019e320  f9 ec 12 01 00 00 00 00 - 46 e3 19 00 44 e3 19 00  ........F...D...
0019e330  fc e3 19 00 40 b5 40 00 - 9c e3 19 00 00 00 00 00  ....@.@.........
0019e340  2c 0f 45 76 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 6f 27 00 00 00 00  ,.Ev......o'....
0019e350  00 00 00 00 14 e4 19 00 - e6 04 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019e360  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 40 a0 8f 00  ............@...
0019e370  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0019e380  04 00 00 00 24 54 86 20 - 00 00 00 00 10 9f d7 24  ....$T. .......$
0019e390  10 ad 86 1e f4 fe 6f 27 - 01 00 00 00 c4 e3 19 00  ......o'........
0019e3a0  65 f5 12 01 20 8d 89 1e - 00 9c 21 16 00 ee df 16  e... .....!.....
0019e3b0  10 9f d7 24 03 00 00 00 - 04 00 00 00 24 54 86 20  ...$........$T.
0019e3c0  10 ad 86 1e dc e3 19 00 - 90 71 13 01 20 8d 89 1e  .........q.. ...
0019e3d0  10 ad 86 00 24 54 86 20 - 20 8d 89 1e ec e3 19 00  ....$T.  .......
0019e3e0  09 5a 13 01 24 54 86 20 - 20 8d 89 1e 48 e4 19 00  .Z..$T.  ...H...
0019e3f0  ed e6 8f 01 cd 2c 4a 44 - 00 00 03 44 54 e4 19 00  .....,JD...DT...
0019e400  40 b5 40 00 48 e4 19 00 - 80 e4 19 00 18 e5 19 00  @.@.H...........
0019e410  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 0c 02 00 00 1b 00 00 00  ................
0019e420  13 02 00 00 27 00 00 00 - 30 a7 b2 00 44 e4 19 00  ....'...0...D...
0019e430  00 00 00 00 6c e4 19 00 - 0c 02 00 00 02 00 00 00  ....l...........
0019e440  14 55 86 20 f0 22 8e 1e - 88 e4 19 00 32 05 90 01  .U. ."......2...
0019e450  00 00 00 00 9c e4 19 00 - 40 b5 40 00 88 e4 19 00  ........@.@.....


#2 2016-09-06 15:18:51

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,240

Re: Privileged instruction.

As stated by the forum rules, please do not paste in there a lot of data.
Use pastebin instead.

Which version of SynPDF are you using?
(current is 1.18.2929)

I do not see what's wrong with your computer, but sounds like a multi-threading problem of your program.
Another thread should be using the GDI stack.


#3 2016-09-08 08:13:02

Registered: 2012-08-19
Posts: 4

Re: Privileged instruction.

Sorry for this mistake.

SynPDF version 1.18
from https://github.com/synopse/SynPDF/blob/ … SynPdf.pas

/// PDF file generation
// - this unit is a part of the freeware Synopse framework,
// licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license; version 1.18


#4 2016-09-08 11:55:36

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,240

Re: Privileged instruction.



#5 2016-09-08 12:21:17

Registered: 2012-08-19
Posts: 4

Re: Privileged instruction.

Where is ????. I could not find.
Lastest code from https://github.com/synopse/SynPDF/blob/ … SynPdf.pas


#6 2016-09-08 12:33:16

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,240

Re: Privileged instruction.

So it is 2778 - https://github.com/synopse/SynPDF/blob/ … Commit.inc

But in all cases, sounds like a multi-threading issue in your code - unless you can provide some small code sample (in pastebin) to reproduce it.


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