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I've run a test using the Sample "12 - SynDB Explorer".
I tried to fetch a large dataset through Oracle DB which contained more than 200,000 rows and with 35 columns.
The program got the error "ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated" unless I limited the returned rows to around 110,000.
I thought the error came by client buffer shortage and tried to adjust some buffersize parameters like
"fRowsPrefetchSize", "fInternalBufferSize", RowCount, RowSize ...etc.
But I still can't find the solution.
Any help would be appreciated.
What NLS_LANG you use?
Dose it crash on this sample dataset
-- Create table create table TEST_ORA_01406_TAB ( DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(35) not null );
alter table TEST_ORA_01406_TAB add constraint TEST_ORA_01406_PK primary key (DESCRIPTION) using index;
insert into test_ora_01406_tab select substr(lpad( Rownum, 3 , '0' ) || 'ZAŻÓŁĆ GĘŚLĄ JAŹŃ ZAŻÓŁĆ GĘŚLĄ JAŹŃ', 1, 35) From dual Connect By Rownum <= 101
The NLS_LANG of my Oracle DB is AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHT16BIG5. I have traced the code and it worked well to deal with the Character Set.
Yesterday, I unknowingly adjusted fInternalBufferSize to 128*1024*256 and it just succeeded for 193868 rows (57.2 MB).
With my limited capability, I couldn't figure out how does it run within the section "3. Dispatch data in row buffer".
Would someone give me more hints?
Much appreciated.