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When I pass object via interfaced service method (with {$M+} and published) then before mORMot deserialize JSON with data of object I must create this object?
service method:
function GetObject(const ObjectId : Integer; out Object : TMyObject);
use of this method:
lObject : TMyObject;
//lObject := TMyObject.Create; <-- without create object I get error on next line
GetObject(x, lObject); //<-- error if lObject = nil
mORMot can't autocreate this object?
The client should create the instances, even for output parameter.
Most of the time it won't be a temporary object but a field.
They will be created on the server side, when running the service implementation.
If you want some transient value, use a record not a class.
You just need to declare it on the stack. No need to call create.
Thanks for clarification. One more question:
why JSON is different (name quoted) between transfer as object or as record?
See on fields eg. VATID (and others):
send as record (with quotes):
send as object (without quotes):