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Actually I replaced (IIS 8.5 and .NET Framework 4.6 C# MVC based Application) with (Object Pascal mORMot framework using THttpApiServer). All features are working outstanding and performing better than .NET in most cases.
I want to implement multimedia streaming to client, so I need to write on headers directly before HTTP response. There is some way to do this?
AFAIK, currently it is not possible to communicate in raw binary mode (e.g. send raw video streaming), a new kind of record would be necessary to send binary data from the server to the client.
All communication is is done through base64-encoding (using interface based services), this will adds 30% to 50% overhead.
@turrican - if you need to "stream" from file just return a handle (see TSQLRestServerURIContext.ReturnFile*) and THttpApiServer will perform a chunked output out from the box if client request it (most of AV player did) - see
if Context.OutContentType=HTTP_RESP_STATICFILE then begin
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