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I wand to GET http://user:password@host:port/api/command by TWinINet.Get.
InternetConnectA has paramters lpszUsername and lpszPassword, but they always are nil
InternetConnectA(fSession, pointer(fServer), fPort, nil, nil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0)
Is it possible to extract Username and Password from URI and use they in InternetConnect? Or I have to write my descendant?
I see. Is it planned to do?
Not yet, since we don't need it.
For two reasons:
1. WinINet is slow, and not working in a server application.
2. In fact, HTTP authentication should better be implemented after the connection, using the expected algorithm.
Ok. If I use TWinHTTP and properly fill ExtendedOptions I get what I need. But I have to care about proxy.
Yes, I read documentation about import the current IE settings. But to do it I need to have admin rights and it does not work when IE "Automatically detect proxy settings" is checked.
So we have to write proxy by hand.
What do you say about this piece of code? WinHTTP AutoProxy Support: … 4&number=1
May be we could forget about TWinINet if we implement it.
Pages: 1