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My mormot book 2nd edition remains available from Amazon in softcover, after which you should be offered an electronic edition upgrade for free. The price is unchanged at $59.95.
However, now I offer it in electronic version either ePub or PDF format for 1/2 price or $30 from my web site . This lower price is because I don't have to pay Amazon to print and ship or their other hefty fees, and i pass along those savings to customers.
Also, when you download the source code, there is a new 3rd edition subdirectory which includes an easier-to-read, full mormot DB / EWB application called enterprise3. It will be documented in the 3rd edition next year, but I wanted to get out the sample already, because it shows how my many production applications communicate.
I have NewPascal working with enterprise3 for Win32 but the resultant pascal source was slightly incompatible with Delphi. I'm trying to merge the two for the future, but in the meantime you have to download the slightly different The application code is unchanged, just the libraries differ. I've tested the binary and it works seamlessly.
Making it work with Linux: should be easy if you use mormot's default userid/password space. But my enterprise3 example also offers Active Directory authentication. To use that you would need to do something like PAM or LDAP, it's a one line function that needs changing.
As always, I welcome your comments.
There were a couple of questions sent by Email so I'd like to share the answers here.
Mormot and EWB are currently not large markets, no publisher would finance a project with that number of potential sales. I'm hoping that my various books will help bring additional interest to these fine products, particularly in terms of new developers and management buy-in at companies.
I chose Amazon for print because they offer trusted, fast world-wide distribution. It is a non-exclusive contract, I can sell in other channels, such as my own EStore powered by PayPal.
Amazon charges authors a bunch of fees on book sales, and somehow the author actually makes less on Amazon Ebook sales - which is why you often see full prices for Amazon Ebooks even though it obviously should cost less with no printing or shipping required. But they allow us to offer Ebook companions for $0, $0.99, $1.99, or more. I chose to offer it as a free upgrade.
A fact of the world in 2017 is that various people have pirated the books within days of release, and that may seem tempting to some, but by offering a reasonably priced legal option, I'm hoping people will support those who work to help you.
I gladly answer technical questions by Email too, but it's frustrating when people write for help when they obviously pirated the book.
I became a convert to Ebooks. They are easily searchable, they support cut-n-paste, they are light to carry and have other benefits including no shelf space. I'm trying to offer them as low cost alternatives too.
Thanks for reading.
Just curious, do you see a steady income from this kind of books? Have you considered releasing the book for free to gain traction and then try to earn something doing consulting and such?
Yes, there is steady income and... expenses of course (computers, compilers, web sites, paper from drafts). I do a fair bit of consulting already, most jobs are for people who have a big project and looming deadlines that have read a book of mine and just need a few hours to get them over a hurdle. I also volunteer for needy programs.... real charities.
There are a lot of hours that go into every book, that's a big investment. But then when people write me I answer most questions for free and with a smile. I have a high uptake rate of customers buying a second book on a related subject. I take that as a positive sign.