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Hello all,
I got a ESQLite3Exception with message 'Error SQLITE_ERROR (1) [select * from biolife] using 3.19.2 - no such table: biolife, extended_errcode=1' when trying to connect to the "Project19Server.db3" with SyndbExplorer.
After selecting the db file, no tables names appear on the table tab.
here is the config file of syndbexplorer :
{"RowID":1,"Ident":"Project19Server","Connection":5,"Server":"","Database":"E:\\Projets\\composants\\mORMot\\SQLite3\\Samples\\19 - AJAX ExtJS FishFacts\\Project19Server.db3","UserName":"","Password":"","TableNames":"BAoA","ForeignKeys":"AwAAAAAAAAAaAEAA4+FjAAA="}]
Is there at least a Project19Server.db3 file with such a table?
Note also that only a single process can access the .db3 file at the same time.
Are you sure no other process has currently opened it? For instance, the 19 sample service?
Is there at least a Project19Server.db3 file with such a table?
Yes there is a biolife table on the db file as shown with sqlitemanager addon for firefox
Note also that only a single process can access the .db3 file at the same time.
Are you sure no other process has currently opened it? For instance, the 19 sample service?
Yes i'm sure because i've copied the .db3 into the sysndbexplorer folder as shown on the config file here
{"RowID":1,"Ident":"Project19Server","Connection":5,"Server":"","Database":"E:\\Projets\\composants\\mORMot\\SQLite3\\Samples\\12 - SynDB Explorer\\Project19Server.db3","UserName":"","Password":"","TableNames":"BAoA","ForeignKeys":"AwAAAAAAAAAaAEAA4+FjAAA="}]
Thank you for the answer,
Your settings for connection are not right.
Click on "Update connection settings" and fix them.
An alternative may be to just open the file using it as parameter value to command line.
You can associate the .db3 files with SynDBExplorer.exe, for instance.
For instance, here is how the Sample 19 db file is opened:
Yes ab you're rigth, my parameters are not ok. now it works fine.