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Hi there everyone,
I'm trying to adapt the third party example by George to get a feeling for creating interface SOA in Lazarus. The example compiles and works in Lazarus and that is why I'm interested in studying it. Inside George's example, there is a pascal file mORMotRESTFPCInterfaces.pas with the following header
/// SOA interface methods definition to circumvent FPC missing RTTI
// - generated at 2016-07-27 09:30:40
unit mORMotRESTFPCInterfaces;
This unit has been generated by a mORMot 1.18.2797 server.
Any manual modification of this file may be lost after regeneration.
Synopse mORMot framework. Copyright (C) 2017 Arnaud Bouchez
Synopse Informatique -
This unit is released under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license,
and therefore may be freely included in any application.
This unit is intended to work on older FPC compilers, which lack of RTTI
for interfaces - see
Add this mORMotRESTFPCInterfaces unit to your uses clause, so that the following
interfaces would be defined as expected by mORMot under FPC:
- IRestMethods
It says this file was generated automatically BUT it does not say how it was done. Can anyone please tell me what I need to do to generate a file such as this for my test project.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Last edited by JD (2017-07-03 11:25:47)
Check the documentation about this. … #TITLE_669
Note that if you use NewPascal fork of FPC, the needed RTTI will be there, so no need to generate such a unit.
Thanks a million ab. And thanks for the wonderful work you all are doing with mORMot. I haven't totally adopted NewPascal because my old work uses client side components that don't work in NewPascal.
If I understand what is written in the manual, it means I must compile at least the server code using Delphi to generate the XXXFPCInterface.pas file and then I can transfer it to my client & server projects in Lazarus.
Yes, a Delphi is needed somewhere... just to compile the unit with the RTTI.
But a old Delphi 6 or 7 is enough for the purpose!
Or you may use a NewPascal setup for this, even if you don't use it for your project.
NewPascal FPC compiler has the RTTI, so you could be able to generate the unit.
Hi there AB,
I've been struggling with this RTTI problem for a while. I tried a NewPascal version that I downloaded a week ago and for some reason it gave me an error in line 18247 of SynCommons.pas saying Unknown Codepage; "1200".
I then reverted to Delphi 2010 to try to generate the missing unit.
The program dpr file is as shown below (it is a short file):
program BasicCalculatorClientDelphi;
{$I} // use FastMM4 on older Delphi, or set FPC threads
SysUtils, // for ExtractFilePath
uClientForm in 'uClientForm.pas' {frmBasicCalculator},
ucalculatorinterface in '..\ucalculatorinterface.pas',
ucalculatorinterfacemethods in '..\ucalculatorinterfacemethods.pas';
{$R *.res}
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TfrmBasicCalculator, frmBasicCalculator);
The problem is CalculatorFPCInterface.pas is not being generated by Delphi 2010. What am I missing? Thanks for your assistance.
Merci infiniment AB,
It worked! I've even created a template from it that I can use for different projects. mORMot is like an onion; it has many layers and peeling away each layer reveals something new.