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Pages: 1
last days studying/testing direct access through OleDB.
It is incredible fast against SDAC on select and faster on insert, update and incredible fast using batch (eg 200 rows) statements.
Also very fast binary serialization (FetchAllToBinary), the only disadvantage is data size of binary serialization when column is varchar serializer use 2bytes as of nvarchar column.
Is it possible and not big effort to change it and use actual column type on serialize/de-serialize?
Stream size of TSQLDBStatement.FetchAllToBinary for varchar columns is 2x more than what actually is cause of converting string to RawUTF8.
Function TOleDBStatement.BindColumns check the actual type of column (DBTYPE_STR, DBTYPE_BSTR, DBTYPE_WSTR) but use Len := Len*2.
I have not a patch because I don't check code further it is core of oledb.
Do you think fix worth's the effort?
Pages: 1