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Pages: 1
Hello everyone,
I am facing an error that I have never encounter before: "Java.IO.IOException: ID1ID2: actual 0x00001f00 != expected 0x00001f8b".
It happens on client side (TSQLRestClientHTTP, an android client), while my apk receive the answer from my TSQLHttpServer with useBidirSocket option. We have some interface base services implemented, most of them does not encounter this issue.
My hypothesis that ensue from my research is that it is a compression issue, but I am a little perplex as I did not change a thing on that matter.
Can anyone give me a hand ? (:
Hello Arnaud,
what do you mean by check the exception line on client side ? Which line -in my code- does raize this error ?
I cannot access the exact line because it is embbeded in my .so file, but I think this Exception is raized from AndroidAPI.JNIMarshal.execJNI(void*, void*, void*, Androidapi.JniMarshal.JNIMethodInvokeData*)() method (find in my calling stack while stoping debugging after this error) if not a compression error, what could it be ?
Hopefully this will enlighten my issue..
Pages: 1