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Hi there all,
I am using an interface based service to get data from a PostgreSQL database. Some of the data comes from functions that already return JSON data using PostgreSQL JSON functions like row_to_json(_) and json_agg(). The problem is that the interface service returns JSON with escape characters. For example instead of returning
[{"resultat": {"resource": "/genre", "genre": [{"numero": 1,"description": "Femme"},{"numero": 2,"description": "Homme"}]}}]
generated by the PostgreSQL database, FetchAllToJSON returns
[{\"resultat\":\"{\\\"resource\\\":\\\"/genre\\\",\\\"genre\\\":[{\\\"numero\\\":1,\\\"description\\\":\\\"Femme\\\"}, \\n {\\\"numero\\\":2,\\\"description\\\":\\\"Homme\\\"}]}\"}]
The relevant lines in the service code are
function TRESTMethods.Gender(aURI: string; aID: integer): RawJSON;
Res := aServer.fDbProps.Execute(Format('select * from genre(%s)', [QuotedStr(aURI)]), []);
Result := Res.FetchAllAsJSON(True);
Is there an alternative to using FetchAllAsJSON that can just accept and return the PostgreSQL generated JSON as-is?
This does not work either even though I set TTextWriterKind to twNone.
S := EmptyStr;
while Res.Step do
S := S + VariantSaveJSON(Res['resultat'], twNone);
Result := S;
I also tried S := S + VariantToString(Res['resultat']); and there are still escape characters in the JSON string. Has anyone dealt with this sort of problem before?
I finally settled on the following code
S := EmptyStr;
while Res.Step do
S := S + VariantSaveJSON(Res['resultat'], twNone);
Result := S;
Browsers and REST clients show the JSON with escape characters but my Lazarus client application displays the JSON without escape characters which is OK for the moment. I don't know why this is so. If anyone has an idea why it is like that, please let me know.
Last edited by JD (2017-10-06 08:38:41)