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I need to print a text aligned from right to left using TPdfDocumentGDI and VCLcanvas. What is missing in this code for it to work?
procedure TForm2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
var lPdf : TPdfDocumentGDI;
lPage : TPdfPage;
DrawRect : TRect;
lPdf := TPdfDocumentGDI.Create;
lPdf.DefaultPaperSize := psA4;
lPdf.ScreenLogPixels := 50;
lPdf.Info.Author := 'SINTEG Sistemas de Informação';
lPdf.Info.CreationDate := Now;
lPdf.Info.Creator := 'Sinteg Web-mobile';
lpdf.Info.Title := 'Relatório de Contas a Receber';
lpdf.Info.Subject := 'Ordenado por Cliente';
lPDF.VCLCanvas.Font.Size := 7;
lPDF.VCLCanvas.Font.Name := 'Arial';
lPDF.VCLCanvas.Font.color := clred;
lPDF.VCLCanvas.Font.Style := [fsbold,fsitalic];
lpdf.VCLCanvas.TextRect(DrawRect, 130, 21, 'printed from left to right');
lpdf.VCLCanvas.TextRect(DrawRect, 130, 31, 'printed from right to left');
the result should be this:
------------------------------------------------------ col 130 --------------------------
printed from left to right
printed from right to left
please tell me how the syntax of this command is, since I tried anyway to find something that solved my problem, but I did not find it.
I searched everywhere and found nothing.
I reviewed each VCL canvas procedure, but I did not get anything.
Pages: 1