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Hi...I just finish the actualization (with GIT) of mormot framework, and I'm not sure that this is a bug, but in previous versions, after a TSQLRecord instance is create, when the fields is TID type, SQLFieldType is tfsInteger, when in previous version of the framework was tfsTID.
Previous versions of framework:
SQLFieldRTTITypeName: 'TID' and SQLFieldType: sftTID
Actual version of framwokr:
SQLFieldRTTITypeName: 'TID' and SQLFieldType: sftTInteger
This is a bug?
I work with win7 32 bits - Delphi 7.
Another cuestion: how check in the source the version of mormot framwork?
With Delphi 7 and current version (1.18.4313), TTypeInfo.GetSQLFieldType returns sftTID when the field type is TID.
Only the SQLFieldType is ftInt64 - as expected, and as was always the case.
So I'm not able to reproduce your issue.
Perhaps the TID type you used for your field definition is not the TID as defined in mORMot.pas.
Thanks mpv...
Ab, thx too for your quick aswer.... I Will Chek yours observations...