#1 2018-03-10 10:36:17

Registered: 2018-03-10
Posts: 2

mORMot File Upload issue with TSQLRestServerURIContext

Hello everyone,
Hope everyone good.
Thanks for creating awesome framework "mORMot".

I am having a strange issue. I have to develop a software which needs authorization authentication and file upload. While reviewing the samples I am checking the sample "mORMot\SQLite3\Samples\ThirdPartyDemos\George\REST-tester". This is a great one. However when I tried to add a method

procedure UploadFile(Ctxt: TSQLRestServerURIContext);

in RestMethodsInterfaceUnit.pas. also put it curresponding method as an empty method RestServerMethodsUnit.pas.

When runs the server, I am getting the following error

"Project mORMotRESTsrv.exe raised exception class EInterfaceFactoryException with message 'TInterfaceFactoryRTTI.Create: IRestMethods.UploadFile "Ctxt" parameter has unexpected type TSQLRestServerURIContext - use TJSONSerializer.RegisterCustomSerializer()'"

I tried to add the following line in the initialization section in RestMethodsInterfaceUnit.pas still not working

TJSONSerializer.RegisterCustomSerializer(TSQLRestServerURIContext,nil ,nil);

Any thoughts guys?

Thanks and Regards,


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