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I'm getting this error when running any project with Mormot* + SQLite3*, including Sample 2.
External SIGSEGV ... in SynCrypto.pas line 4827
Not on all versions.
Lazarus + PFC + New Pascal = Run OK
Lazarus + PFC + Stable = Error
Lazarus + PFC + Trunk= Error
All compiling to Win64.
All fresh install.
Windows 7
Also tryed to Compile in Lazaruz Stable/Trunk with paths to Mormot in New Pascal distro, and same erro occurs.
procedure aesencryptx64(const ctxt: TAESContext; bi, bo: PWA4);
{$ifdef FPC}nostackframe; assembler; asm{$else}
asm // input: rcx/rdi=TAESContext, rdx/rsi=source, r8/rdx=dest
{$endif} // rolled optimized encryption asm version by A. Bouchez
movzx r9d, cl
movzx r10d, bl
mov r8d, dword ptr [r14+r8*4] <-- line 4827
mov r9d, dword ptr [r14+r9*4]
mov r10d, dword ptr [r14+r10*4]
Last edited by macfly (2018-05-24 17:07:58)