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I came across your (great) TDynArray while trying to add support for dynamic arrays to our ClassStreamer which streams published properties in XML.
I have something like this:
TheObjValue := GetObjectProp(AClass, APPropInfo);
TheTypeInfo := APPropInfo.PropType^;
case TheTypeInfo^.Kind of
tkClass : begin
if TheObjValue is TStrings then
TheStrConfig.AddValue(string(APPropInfo^.Name), TStrings(TheObjValue).Text)
else begin
AddObj(TheObjValue, string(APPropInfo^.Name), false);
end; //else
end; // tkClass
tkDynArray : begin
TheElTypeInfo := TheTypeInfo.TypeData^.elType2^; // .eltype returns nil on XE5
TheObjValue := GetObjectProp(AClass, APPropInfo);
TheArray.InitSpecific(TheTypeInfo,TheObjValue, djObject); // Why not TheElTypeInfo.Kind ?
LBuffer := JSONtoXML(TheArray.SaveToJSON());
TheStrConfig.AddValue(string(APPropInfo^.Name), LBuffer);
end // tkClass
else if TheTypeInfo^.Kind in KNOW_TYPE_KIND then begin
LVal := GetPropValue(AClass, string(APPropInfo^.Name));
TheStrConfig.AddValue(string(APPropInfo^.Name), LVal);
end //else if
end; // case
A few stupid questions and remarks:
1. in TDynArray.Init I had to add
fElemType := PTypeInfo(aTypeInfo)^.elType;
if fElemType = nil then
fElemType := PTypeInfo(aTypeInfo)^.elType2;
if fElemType<>nil then begin
to have something in my array. It probably needs to be guarded by $ifdef for other compilers (I use XE5)
2. why does TDynArray.InitSpecific require a TDynArrayKind and not a TTypeKind ? They look similar and it would be very handy... or am I missing something ?
3. TheArray.SaveToJSON() produces an array with the adresses of the TObject s in the array, which is a good start ... but how should I stream the objects themselves ?
Sorry for the Noob questions... A short link to a tutorial or example code will do as well as a long answer...
Thank you very much !
Last edited by Goulu (2018-09-18 13:11:16)
but how should I stream the objects themselves?
Did you check the documentation? 10.1.6. TObject serialization
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