#1 2010-06-30 10:33:04

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,927

SynProject main features

SynProject is an open source application for code source versioning and automated documentation of Delphi projects.

Among its features:

1. Source code versioning

- handle multiple projects or libraries with the same program;
- allow source code versioning with detailed commits;
- can access to a PVCS tracker (more trackers are coming) and link the commits to the tickets;
- allow automated source code backup (without any commit to document: it's like a daily snapshot of your files);
- backups can be local (on your hard drive) or remote (on a distant drive);
- you can make a visual "diff" and compare source code versions side by side in the graphical user interface;
- you can see pictures (png jpeg bitmap icon) within the main user interface;
- diff storage between version is very optimized, and use little disk space;
- storage is based on .zip files and plain text files, so it's easy to work with.

2. Automated Documentation

- follow a typical Design Inputs -> Risk Assessment -> Software Architecture -> Detailed Design -> Tests protocols -> Traceability matrix -> Release Notes workflow;
- initial (marketing-level) Design Input can be refined into more precise Software Requirement Specifications;
- Design Inputs can evolve during the project life: all documentation stay synchronized and you will have to maintain the DI and their description only at one place;
- therefore, the process is meant to be compliant with the most precise documentation protocols (like IEC 62304);
- only one text file, formated like a wiki, contains the whole documentation;
- it's very easy to add pictures, or formated source code (pascal, C, C++, C#, plain text) into the documentation;
- word files are created from this content, with full table of contents, picture or source code reference tables, unified page layout, customizable templates;
- it's easy to add tables to your document, or link to other part or external resources - you can even put pure RTF content into your documentation;
- pictures are centralized and captioned, people involved in the documentation are maintained once for the whole documentation;
- document version numbering and cross-referencing is handled easily;
- for pascal projects, the source code is parsed and all interface architecture is generated from the source;
- it's easy to browse classes, variables and functions from the documentation, and add reference to them to your document;
- the source code description can also be located in an external .sae file, therefore your original source code tree won't necessary be changed by the adding of comments;
- all references are cross-linked: Software Architecture Document is created from the source code, and also is able to highlight the classes or methods - involved in implementing every Design Input, from the Software Design Document;
- integrated GraphViz component, in order to create easily diagrams from plain text embedded into your documentation;
integrated fully featured text editor, with word wrapping, wiki-syntax buttons and keyboard shortcuts, and spell checking;
- a step by step Wizard is available to create a new project, from supplied template files;
- another Wizard is already available, to browse your documentation workflow, and check its consistency or set up its parameters;
- the documentation is integrated to the Versioning system above.

Of course, it's a full Open Source - GPL licensed - project.

See the SynProject folder in the Files part of our source code repository.


#2 2010-07-22 07:57:12

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,927

Re: SynProject main features

As stated by our wiki, the SynProject tool is now available to be downloaded as executable.

You can download a binary executable directly from http://synopse.info/files/SynProject.zip

Source code, in its latest stable version, is always available from our source code repository.
Please log in as anonymous (click on the "Fill out captcha" button then "Login"), then select the "Leaves" button in top of the page, click on the topmost link with hexadecimal title (e.g. "[3cb6d830c0]"), and download the whole source code of this repository by clicking on "ZIP archive".
All SynProject files are located in the SynProject folder of this zip archive.


#3 2010-07-24 13:23:13

From: France
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 14,927

Re: SynProject main features

On the wiki of the Source Code repository, I've added some resource about SynProject:

- screen shots of the main usage of this tool (i.e. versioning and documentation);
- a tutorial, which consist in creating the documentation for the SQLite3 framework itself.


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