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strspnsse42('gggggg', '0123456789abcdefghi') return 0, should be 6
function strspnsse42(s,accept: pointer): integer;
asm // eax=s, edx=accept
push edi
push esi
push ebx
mov edi, eax
mov esi, edx
mov ebx, esi
xor ecx, ecx
@1: {$ifdef HASAESNI}
movdqu xmm2, dqword [edi]
movdqu xmm1, dqword [esi]
pcmpistrm xmm1, xmm2, $00 // find in set, return bit mask in xmm0
movd eax, xmm0
db $F3,$0F,$6F,$17
db $F3,$0F,$6F,$0E
db $66,$0F,$3A,$62,$CA,$00
db $66,$0F,$7E,$C0
jns @5
@2: cmp ax, -1
jne @3
add edi, 16 // first 16 chars matched, continue with next 16 chars
add ecx, 16
jmp @1
@3: not eax
bsf eax, eax
add eax, ecx
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
@4: and eax, edx // accumulate matches <-------------------------------------- should be or eax, edx
@5: add esi, 16 // the set is more than 16 bytes
{$ifdef HASAESNI}
movdqu xmm1, [esi]
pcmpistrm xmm1, xmm2, $00
movd edx, xmm0
db $F3,$0F,$6F,$0E
db $66,$0F,$3A,$62,$CA,$00
db $66,$0F,$7E,$C2
jns @4
mov esi, ebx // restore set pointer
and eax, edx // accumulate matches <------------------------------------- should be or eax, edx
jmp @2
function strspnsse42(s,accept: pointer): integer;
{$ifdef FPC}nostackframe; assembler; asm {$else}
asm // rcx=s, rdx=accept (Linux: rdi,rsi)
{$endif FPC}
{$ifdef win64}
push rdi
push rsi
mov rdi, rcx
mov rsi, rdx
{$endif}mov r8, rsi
xor ecx, ecx
@1: movdqu xmm2, [rdi]
movdqu xmm1, [rsi]
{$ifdef HASAESNI}
pcmpistrm xmm1, xmm2, $00 // find in set, return bit mask in xmm0
db $66,$0F,$3A,$62,$CA,$00
movd eax, xmm0
jns @5
@2: cmp ax, -1
jne @3
add rdi, 16 // first 16 chars matched, continue with next 16 chars
add rcx, 16
jmp @1
@3: not eax
bsf eax, eax
add rax, rcx
{$ifdef win64}
pop rsi
pop rdi
@4: and eax, edx // accumulate matches <-------------------------------------- should be or eax, edx
@5: add rsi, 16 // the set is more than 16 bytes
movdqu xmm1, [rsi]
{$ifdef HASAESNI}
pcmpistrm xmm1, xmm2, $00
db $66,$0F,$3A,$62,$CA,$00
movd edx, xmm0
jns @4
mov rsi, r8 // restore set pointer
and eax, edx // accumulate matches <-------------------------------------- should be or eax, edx
jmp @2
Last edited by pony5551 (2019-04-21 07:07:21)
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